Workshop Activity Checklist Teacher initials here Activities to be completed within the workshop time provided. Have the teacher initial each activity when it is complete. Must DoFind the Map of the United States printable. Go to the Civil War/Reconstruction Workshop Review link on the class website. Find the section titled “The Confederate States”. Color the Confederate States RED and the Border States PURPLE. Label the following important battles and places: Fort Sumter, Atlanta and Sherman’s March to the Sea, Gettysburg, and Appomattox Courthouse. Must DoFind the North and South differences foldable. Go to the Civil War/Reconstruction Workshop Review link on the class website. Find the section table that contrasts the economic, cultural, and constitutional differences of the North and South. Use this table to complete the foldable. Glue it into your journal when complete. Reflection Question: How does the location of the Southern States affect the states culture and economy? Choose 1 of the Following Activities below. Choice 1Fort Sumter Art Activity. Go to the Fort Sumter Then and Now link on our class website. Use the PowerPoint on this link for directions to this activity. Have it checked and keep it in your Social Studies Folder. Choice 2Find the Civil War Newsletter Template. To create a newsletter, you are going to pretend like you are a reporter for the local news during the Civil War. Remember, where we live has a lot of Civil War history. You may use the GA Tourism link on our class website for local events that may have happened during the Civil War. Write a breaking news story for your newsletter. Be sure to include “Current Events” and a picture Go to the Civil War Newsletter link on our class website. This link will give you a model newsletter. May Do if you finish with all the “Must Do” May DoChildren’s Book: Create a children’s book that describes how a bill becomes a law. You will have to conduct your own research and use the information you find to create a book that can be read and understood by a 2 nd grader. You may have to define larger vocabulary words or re-word things in a simpler way. Your book should have a main character, setting, and a plot. In addition, you must include and explain how voting rights were protected by the following amendments : 13, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, & 26. Try researching and investigation other children’s books before you begin your own.
North Glue into journal on the back of this section Economic Differences South Glue into journal on the back of this section Cultural Differences Constitutional Differences
Headline: _______________________________________________________________________ Date:______________ Author:_____________ Article _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ______________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ____________________ Civil War Current Events - Photograph