Immigration The Irish Experience
Where is Ireland?
This is Ireland
Images of Ireland
Why did People Decide to Leave Ireland? Push Factors The Irish Potato Famine The Great Hunger Poverty British Oppression
Immigration to America Half the population of Ireland immigrated to America from Sailed in poorly built, crowded, boats called “Coffin Ships” across the Atlantic. These ships were short of food, supplies, and medical services. The ships were full of disease and many people died.
Why did People Decide to Leave Ireland?
Life in America In America, the Irish were viewed as the servant race Many Irish immigrated to Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. Their living conditions were difficult, miserable, and poor. They lived in subdivided homes, cellars, and shanties that often times did not have plumbing, sewers, and running water. Many Irish worked in Factories. There was a lot of job discrimination. There was a lot of racism and stereotypes toward the Irish.
Why Choose America? Promise of Freedom (religious and political) Hope for a new life Jobs Land “Streets paved with gold”
What Irish Immigrants Anticipated.
Getting to America
What America Was Really Like When You Arrived
America Many Irish immigrants became powerful political leaders and religious leaders. Irish people living in America saw success in journalism, entertainment, and sports. William R. Grace became the first Irish - Catholic Mayor of NYC in 1880.