QUALITY IN TRAINING: AN INSIGHT INTO SELF-ASSESSMENT – LINKING POLICY TO PRACTICEROME, 25 NOVEMBER Project Reference: LI-05-B-F-PP Contract Year:2005 Contractor: Hochschule Liechtenstein Partners: DE, ES, IT, LI, SK (& CH)
QUALITY IN TRAINING: AN INSIGHT INTO SELF-ASSESSMENT – LINKING POLICY TO PRACTICEROME 25 NOVEMBER Objectives of the Project Improvement of trust-based transparency and quality in VET and in the labour market (Copenhagen/Brugge Process ) Preparation of VET institutions for accreditation according to EFQM or ISO. Development of an IT based toolbox and implementation of referential pilot projects for supporting educational and training organisations on their way to excellence with a special focus on self- assessment.
QUALITY IN TRAINING: AN INSIGHT INTO SELF-ASSESSMENT – LINKING POLICY TO PRACTICEROME 25 NOVEMBER Beneficiaries SAETO offers benefits to all employees of educational and training organisations with special emphasis on managers & trainers through: Continuously updated conformity with the EFQM model Support of methodology and structured approach Reduction of training effort for EFQM implementation Easy adaptation to organisation specific aspects Multi-lingual question catalogs Quick and efficient reporting support Possibility of the follow-up on improvement suggestions through the Balanced Q-Card extension
QUALITY IN TRAINING: AN INSIGHT INTO SELF-ASSESSMENT – LINKING POLICY TO PRACTICEROME 25 NOVEMBER Co-operation Possibilities Here we will invite additional partners !
QUALITY IN TRAINING: AN INSIGHT INTO SELF-ASSESSMENT – LINKING POLICY TO PRACTICEROME 25 NOVEMBER Outcomes, Products, Results Validated TQM System in all project partner organisations Case studies on all test cases Sector-specific approach for implementation and management of self-assessment processes Methods for Continuous Improvement Processes Sector-specific blended learning concept TQM training modules and supporting tools Reference procedures Dissemination of results
QUALITY IN TRAINING: AN INSIGHT INTO SELF-ASSESSMENT – LINKING POLICY TO PRACTICEROME 25 NOVEMBER Relevance and Coherence SAETO will deliver a framework to aid and accelerate the implementation of self-assessment within ETOs, both as software support tools and as a validated methodology with a well tested blended learning approach. The SAETO results can be easily adapted to any kind of private or public ETO. The software part of the solution is based on an already commercially available tool for self-assessment in industry (EFQM, ISO 9004) and public administration (CAF). This will ensure a wide acceptance and commercial stability of the post-project product and will accelerate the pick-up of self-assessment by ETOs.
QUALITY IN TRAINING: AN INSIGHT INTO SELF-ASSESSMENT – LINKING POLICY TO PRACTICEROME 25 NOVEMBER Self-Assessment: Challenges ahead Development of further sector or branch- specific “language” versions of self- assessment and survey tools that are valid and easily understood in all EU Member States.