Online Testing: TestNav 7.5 System Check Tool, Proctor Caching District and Campus Coordinators, Technology Staff, and Test Administrators.


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Presentation transcript:

Online Testing: TestNav 7.5 System Check Tool, Proctor Caching District and Campus Coordinators, Technology Staff, and Test Administrators

Online Testing Online Testing Permissions Browser-based TestNav Proctor Caching 2.0 Configuring TestNav –Creating a New Proctor Caching Location –Deleting a Proctor Caching Location –Editing a Proctor Caching Location Setting Up Your Infrastructure System Check Resources Pearson and TEA Contact Information 2

Online Testing Permissions In order to perform many tasks necessary to setup your infrastructure for online testing you must have the appropriate user role. District Testing Coordinators and District Testing Assistants can: –View TestNav Configurations –Create, Edit, and Delete TestNav Configurations –Proctor Cache a test session Campus Testing Coordinators and Online Session Administrators can: –View TestNav Configurations –Proctor Cache a test session (N EW ) Technology can: –View, Edit, and Delete TestNav Configurations –View sessions, students currently testing, and student progress –Proctor Cache a test session Refer to the User Roles and Permissions for the Texas Assessment Management System for details 3

TestNav 7 - Requirements 4 Complete requirements can be found at Flash Player version 10 and higher Java runtime plugin version 1.5 and higher

Proctor Caching – What’s New Proctor Caching has been upgraded as of Oct. 15. Increased performance on Windows and Mac operating systems You can still use the previous version of Proctor Caching, but you can’t take advantage of the performance benefits of the new version. Upgrading Proctor Caching installs should not be a large effort due to the limited number of installs per district The latest version of Proctor Caching for PC and Mac computers can be found at or from within the Assessment Management System at Support > Resources > Downloads. For information about Proctor Caching and the steps involved in pre-caching test content refer to the TestNav 7 Combined Technical Guide located at or from within the Assessment Management System at Support >Resources >Technology Information. 5

Diagram of How Proctor Caching Works 6

Configuring TestNav 7

Configure TestNav Using Configure TestNav, you can manage proctor caching computer configurations. For the proctor caching computer to receive requests for test content, TestNav must be configured to use the proctor caching computer as a proxy computer via the Assessment Management System. This means that adding a proctor caching computer configures TestNav to use that designated proctor caching computer. 8

Creating a New Proctor Caching Location To create a new configuration 1.Enter into your browser to go to the Assessment Management System and log in. 2.Go to Test Setup > Configure TestNav. 3.Click the New Configuration button to open the configuration details screen, add a descriptive name for the new configuration setting and click Continue. 9

10 1.Click the Add Organization button to select the organization(s) that will use the TestNav configuration (called the Configuration Name on the screen). At least one organization must be selected in order to create a new TestNav configuration. Make sure to establish a configuration for the organizations that are testing. 2. Select an organization it will be associated with and click the Add button. Creating a New Proctor Caching Location

11 1.If you need to add another organization to the configuration click the Add Organization button again to select another organization. When you have added all the organizations to the configuration click the Continue button. Creating a New Proctor Caching Location

To create a new server 1.Add a descriptive name, proctor caching IP address, port (4480) and designate the primary and secondary response file backup locations and then. and a for the new proctor caching computer, and then click the Continue button. –You must select a primary save location when configuring TestNav. A network location is the recommended primary save location. –Selecting an alternate save location is highly recommended. The alternate save location must be different from the primary save location. A local client computer location is the recommended alternate save location. –The student must have read and write access to the primary and alternate save locations in order for the student response file to be saved 12 Creating a New Proctor Caching Location

NOTE: Pearson recommends specifying two save locations—a network location (primary), and a local client computer location (alternate). The use of UNC paths is not recommended. By designating one or more file save locations, you are stipulating where a student’s responses will be saved if the connection to the testing server is interrupted. The default primary save location is: \{your servername}\{your shared_location}\TestNav\temp The save locations for the response file must be locations to which all clients have read and write access. If you use the default alternate locations, responses will be saved locally on the C:\drive. Therefore, you must ensure that students have write access to that particular location, otherwise responses will not be saved and you will receive an error message. Change the default location to another location on the shared drive if you do not want responses saved locally on the client. For more information about the proctor caching console, see the TestNav 7 Combined Technical Guide, available at or from within the Assessment Management System at Support >Resources >Technology Information Creating a New Proctor Caching Location

Deleting a Proctor Caching Configuration 1.Go to Test Setup > Configure TestNav. 2.Select the radio button next to the configuration name you wish to delete, and then click the Delete button. 14

To change a proctor caching machine assigned to a session. 1.Go to Test Management > Manage Test Sessions. 2.Select the session name to go to the Session Details screen. 3.Click the Edit button. 4.Change the assigned proctor caching server and select Save. 5.All students in this session will now use the new proctor caching machine the next time they log into TestNav 15 Editing TestNav Configurations

Setting Up Your Infrastructure 16

Hardware, Operating System, and Web Browser Recommendations The following programs are required for online testing: Adobe Flash Player 10.0 or higher must be installed on administrative computers in order to view the TestNav 7 tutorial via a browser ( Java 1.5 or higher must be installed in order to use browser-based TestNav 7. The minimum and recommended technical requirements for all computers accessing the Assessment Management System and TestNav 7 are available as a separate document at or from within the Assessment Management System at Support >Resources >Technology Information. 17

Best Practices for Saving Bandwidth Use the System Check Utility to verify that you have the appropriate amount of bandwidth for online testing Limit non–testing computer and network usage during testing Adjust your network bandwidth “throttles,” if in place Monitor network usage before and during testing Use proctor caching and ensure it is properly configured Stagger the logging in of students on the day of the test –One room per minute (approximately) 18 Bandwidth

Wireless Computers in Testing What is ? –Technology standard for wireless networks What does my school use? – b – oldest – g – most common – n – fastest/newest 19

Wireless Computers in Testing Best Practices for wireless testing Wireless access points – more is better Distance – closer is better Limit number of computers per wireless access point Try a small number first for proof of concept – Do not roll out a few hundred on the first attempt (baby steps) Obstructions – limit obstructions Use the System Check Utility to verify that you have the appropriate amount of bandwidth for online testing 20

Online Testing System Check The online System Check utility for TestNav 7 is designed to help technology personnel identify whether the infrastructure is ready for online testing prior to scheduled testing dates. Network infrastructure readiness is a key component in assessing and planning for online testing. 21

System Check – TestNav tab The TestNav tab checks to make sure the computer meets the minimum software requirements to deliver tests online. 22

System Check – Network User Capacity tab The Network User Capacity tab provides a data throughput check that assesses both the data transfer speeds and the estimated number of concurrent testers that could be supported for a given test if testing were to occur at the same moment the system check test is run. This result, however, may not accurately represent the constraints that may exist when testing actually occurs, especially if network conditions will be significantly different from their state when the system check test is run. This diagnostic tool should be run at the peak time of network utilization in the day in order to obtain the most accurate results. 23

System Check – Testing Volume Calculator tab The Testing Volume Calculator tab provides a tool for modeling and calculating the anticipated throughput and student testing volumes planned for a scheduled date of testing. Since the calculation is based on network speed and expected utilization, this is a purely theoretical calculation used for capacity planning. 24

Resources 25

What resources are available for online testing? 26 Online Testing Resources –User's Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System –Unified Texas Minimum System Requirements –PearsonAccess Overview Training Modules –TestNav 7 Combined Technical Guide –TestNav 7 and Proctor Caching Quick Start –Tips for TestNav 7: Adobe Flash Player and Java –TestNav 7 32/64 Bit Browser Configuration (N EW !) –2012 District and Campus Coordinator Manual These and additional online resources for TAKS, TELPAS, and STAAR EOC can be found at or from within the Assessment Management System at Support >Resources.

Software Downloads Proctor Caching – Mac Proctor Caching – PC/Windows 27

TestNav Links The Texas Assessment Management System: Operational (Live) Site – The Texas Assessment Management System: Practice Center – 28

Training Administration/Technology Staff – Texas Assessment Management System Practice Center  Flash Written Composition Tool — Texas Assessment Practice Administration  Proctor Caching Testing Tool — Texas Assessment Practice Administration  Texas Practice Test — Texas Assessment Practice Administration – PearsonAccess Overview Training Modules Students – Electronic Practice Tests (ePATS) –Texas Specific Testing Tools –TAKS Written Composition Tool –STARR End-of-Course Writing Tool –STAAR End-of-Course Analytical Essay Tool –TELPAS Online Reading Test Student Tutorials 29

Pearson and TEA contact information 30

Pearson’s Austin Operations Center 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM CT Monday–Friday Toll free: information about online testing or online testing procedures navigating the Texas Assessment Management System accessing and using the Practice Center managing examinee data setting up test sessions assigning login IDs and passwords accessing resources questions about Pearson Online Testing communications questions about oral administration of test sessions Call or Pearson’s Texas Online Team for assistance with: setting up a test run of the TestNav test delivery system network problems proctor caching issues evaluating infrastructure hardware and software requirements or problems the TestNav Early Warning System wireless networking issues technical emergencies solving online testing set-up issues 31

Texas Education Agency’s Student Assessment Division Telephone Fax TEA Student Assessment website – Call TEA’s Student Assessment Division for assistance with: testing accommodations requesting changes to the testing schedule questions about the policy on taking breaks and lunch testing beyond normal school hours handling unusual circumstances on test days violations of test security handling school emergencies that affect testing questions about general online testing policy questions about TEA communications 32