Important energy source- Belong to a larger group of compounds called lipids – (fats and oils)
TYPES OF FAT 1.Saturated – meat and dairy products 2.Monosaturated – olive – canola oils 3.Polyunsaturated – safflower – corn - soybean
FUNCTIONS OF FAT 1.Provides source of energy 2.Carries certain vitamins 3.Flavor substances that makes food taste good 4.Makes foods (meat and baked goods) tender 5.Helps you feel full after eating 6.Helps body store energy (fatty tissue) 7.Forms cushion that helps protects internal organs from injury 8.Forms insulation that helps maintain body temperature
Visible fats – you can see it – butter – margarine – fat on meat Invisible fats – cannot see – eggs – whipped cream – baked products
CHOLESTEROL Fatlike substance found in every cell in the body. Functions: 1.Part of the skin tissue 2.Aids in the transport of fatty acids in the body 3.Body needs it to produce hormones.