Budget and Legislative Update Alexis Schauss Director of School Business
School Business Reminders
Reporting Due By November 20 SS-200 Full Time Personnel Report – Ensure this is an accurate reflection of your staffing – Compare with last year for reasonableness SS-300 Local Salary Supplements Report Division of School Business
EDDIE The Authoritative Source Go to EDDIE Make sure all LEA personnel are accurate Used for mailings, federal reporting, Accountability Feeds Powerschool Contact your LEAs EDDIE Subscriber to make corrections (See HELP Using EDDIE on the webpage for “Subscribed User List”) Division of School Business
LEA Personnel Listing in EDDIE Division of School Business Academics Accountability Assistant Superintendent Associate Superintendent CTE Instructional Management Coordinator-NEW Career Technology Child Nutrition Exceptional Children Facilities Finance Officer Office of Civil Rights Coordinator - NEW Personnel Administrator Public Information Student Information Coordinator Superintendent Technology Title I Transportation
School Level Personnel Principal - Used for Report Card Classified mailings Coordinators for ACT PLAN WorkKeys Division of School Business
Form G for Salary Purposes Must have one for each school number assignment – LEAs responsibility to verify Licensure section will NOT process any Form G’s that will impact current year salary after June 1. Division of School Business
Budget Money Changes Division of School Business
Increases Excellent Public Schools Act$3,812,141 Read to Achieve summer camps for 1 st and 2 nd graders $20,000,000 EVAAS$871,474 Textbooks$21,820,000 School Connectivity $2,000,000 CIH schools Pitt, Watauga and Wilson plus IHE tuition $1,521,338 Regional School$310,669 Drivers Education (restoring funding…sort of) $24,120,000 Division of School Business
Salary and Personnel Division of School Business
No change- Masters Pay No New Masters, Advanced or Phd Salary Supplement The following are the only eligible personnel to receive graduate pay – Nurses and instructional support for which a Masters degree is required – Teachers and instructional support who were paid on M schedule prior to July 1, 2014 – Grandfathered in if completed Masters, advanced or doctorate course by August 1, 2013 & would have qualified for under the SBE policy in effect on 6/30/13. – No in field requirement Division of School Business
Teachers and Instructional Support Experience step for all teachers and instructional support. Step increase for those moving to step 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25. No change to the steps except for 0-4 years which increased from $3,300 to $3,500 Increases including the step: range from 0% to 10.6%
Years Years Monthly increase % increase 0-3 $ 3, $ 3,500 $ % 4 $ 3,3005 $ 3,650 $ % 5-8 $ 3, $ 3,650 $ -0.0% 9 $ 3,65010 $ 4,000 $ % $ 4, $ 4,000 $0.0% 14 $ 4,00015 $ 4,350 $ % $ 4, $ 4,350 $ -0.0% 19 $ 4,35020 $ 4,650 $ % $ 4, $ 4,650 $ -0.0% 24 $ 4,65025 $ 5,000 $ % 25+ $ 5, $ 5,000 $ -0.0% Increases from schedule (incl step)
Teachers and Instructional Support Approximately 28K (30%)state paid teachers and instructional support received an increase in their salary. 16K of those who received a raise have 5 years or less. This has budget impacts, especially on local budgets.
Psychologist’s schedule Psychologist’s schedule (incl audiologists and SLP) adds a tier for 25 years and above at 7.5% higher than the tier. Affects approximately 684 FTE
Budget Teachers & Instructional Support Division of School Business Cost of Teacher RaiseMoney RptIncl in Avg sal Teacher Starting Pay Increase41,846,123 Teacher Step Increase15,351,218 64,871,243 Teacher Hold Harmless4,545,525 included in salary 6th tier for Psychologists428,787 62,171,653107,146, %2.01%
APs and principals SBA receive a step increase No change to steps except Asst principals at 0- 9 increased $81 per month 3.76% to account for bonus pay Bonus of $809 for SBA who do not receive a step increase on the SBA schedule
Budget School Based Administrators School Based Administrator Step Increase$3,508,948 School Based Administrator No step Bonus$1,055,995
Asst Principals and Principals Ensure SBA do not lose pay GS (a) no longer applies only to Asst principals who took the position after 7/1/2009. An asst principal who becomes a principal shall be paid at least as much as they would have earned as an assistant principal. No retroactive pay for newly eligible Asst Principals.
Noncertified and Central Office No increase No bonus leave
$750 Bonus All state funded personnel in an LEA employed on November 1, 2015 (teachers, instructional support, SBE, non certified and central office personnel) are eligible to receive a $750 bonus. Eligible personnel have to be permanent, and the amount is prorated for permanent part time.
Budget $750 Bonus All Classifications Division of School Business Teacher Bonus$79,521,583 SBA Bonus$3,599,248 Other LEA Staff Bonus $39,781,698 $122,902,529
Decreases Department of Public Instruction 5.1% annual cut($2,500,000) This is on top of the 10% in of $5m And the 2% cut in Transportation($25,079,807) (to adjust for diesel cost) Division of School Business
LOTERY FUND GENERAL FUND Teacher Assistant $138m Non Instructional Support $310m Classroom Teachers $255m Funding Changes with No Net Effect on Allotments
Teacher Assistants Prohibits transfers out of teacher assistant allotment. Budget Flexibility change in 2013 removed requirement to place TAs in grades K-3 Changes the allocation method to a quasi position allotment 2 TA : 3 classes in Kindergarten 1 TA : 2 classes in grades 1 and 2 1 TA : 3 classes in grade 3 Where TA = state average salary plus benefits of a TA Where 1 class = 21 ADM
Textbooks and Digital resources $21,820,000 Adds to the previous requirement of providing information on the LEA website of the use of state funds and the transfers. A description of any transfer from textbooks & digital resources allotment and why the transfer was made A chart that clearly reflects how the LEA spent state funds
Driver Training $24,120, funds from the General Fund intent is to fund from Fines and Forfeitures. Funding was not fully restored Allotment decreased by $2.34m Estimated # of students increased by 4,840
Classroom Teachers No change in class size ratio Intent 1:16 Grade 1-3 No change in class size maximums
After School Competitive Grants Increase from $5m to $6m. Maximum grant $500,000 Local match required
Summer Reading Camps $20,000,000 Extended to 1 st and 2 nd grade students who are not proficient in reading. Allocated in the same formula as 3 rd grade funds. ($15.7m for rd grade only, so the dollars per student will be less for 1 st and 2 nd )