Zeus - Jupiter The Father of Gods and Men
You’ve already met Zeus in the “male” portion of the Olympian presentation Zeus is prominent in many, many myths Zeus represents: Sky (think eagle and thunderbolt) Justice Protector and enforcer of hospitality (xenia) Fatherly authority Zeus (Jupiter)
Zeus was honored with magnificent temples at many Greek sites. This one, from Asia Minor, is constructed to emphasize lofty magnificence. Other sites include: Olympia (home of the Olympics), Dodona, and Athens. Temples of Zeus
One of the most famous images of Zeus in antiquity was the chryselephantine cult statue at his temple in Olympia in Greece (this is a smaller Roman reproduction). staff represents authority eagle shows vision, strength, sky connection, rule he holds victory (Nike) in his hand Let’s take a look at a couple of Zeus’ many love affairs... Zeus at Olympia
Zeus: Clever Seducer Leda: Zeus seduced her by taking the form of a beautiful swan. The result: the most beautiful woman in the world and the cause of the Trojan War, Helen Leda: Zeus seduced her by taking the form of a beautiful swan. The result: the most beautiful woman in the world and the cause of the Trojan War, Helen
Danae and Perseus Danae’s father received a prophecy that his grandson would cause his death so he sealed his daughter in cave Zeus entered the cave in the form of a shower of gold and impregnated her. The result: the famous hero Perseus, who beheaded Medusa, the snaky-haired Gorgon who turned men to stone with her gaze
Ganymede Ganymede was a Trojan boy The most beautiful young man on earth Zeus abducted him in the form of an eagle He became cupbearer to the gods Represents youth and beauty
This late fourth century amphora shows the gods seated in Olympus. Zeus is enthroned; Hera is by his side with a scepter-like torch; Apollo plays the lyre nearby. Zeus: Father Figure, Dispenser of Justice
The Division of the World Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were brothers When they collectively overthrew the Titans to claim the world, they had to decide how to divide it up They decided to draw lots: Poseidon drew the sea, Zeus the sky, and Hades drew the underworld, leaving him bitter and angry
The Aegis The Aegis is an image of the head of Medusa, a symbol of power It was worn by Athena on her breast plate Although Athena wore the symbol, it was regarded as belonging to Zeus The Aegis was a gift from the hero Perseus to his father Zeus The Aegis is an image of the head of Medusa, a symbol of power It was worn by Athena on her breast plate Although Athena wore the symbol, it was regarded as belonging to Zeus The Aegis was a gift from the hero Perseus to his father Zeus