Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) Passed by U.S government. 19 th century, rise of industrialization and increasing urban populations. -manufacturing of food and drugs - processors often added filers to extend and cheapen their products. Aimed to clean up the American food and drug industry. Required all food and drugs meant for people to pass strict testing to assure safety and cleanliness before use. Prescriptions drugs supplied and affirmed only by licensed physicians. Impact -The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Currently operating within U.S.A Institutes a series of regulations and requirements on how they are shipped and stored. Responsible for promoting and protecting public Health through food and drug safety. Remains an agency responsible for protecting the health through regulation of food, drugs, medical devices, and cosmetics.
Causes of the Movement… The Jungle Book Written by Upton Sinclair -socialist newspaper, hired to investigate meatpackers, posing as a worker in Chicago. -talked with workers about the job, then wrote about his experience. Brought attention to many people who were disturbed by what they read in the book. Found poor methods of handling meat, diseased animals and rat infection. General Public and Congress were not aware of the serious social and labor problems caused by large corporations. Terrible working and living conditions. worked enclosed yards where food animals were temporarily housed before being slaughtered.
Meat Inspection Act (1906) Subject came about largely due to the conditions in meat packing industries that were detailed in great depth in, The Jungle. Enforced regulations in industry. Sanitation and Health issues Required regular inspections by officials from the Department by Agriculture. Made surprise visits Trained animals officials to inspect animals before being slaughtered. Healthy animals would pass inspection again since some diseases were not evident until the animal was cut open.
Theodore Roosevelt President during the progressive Era One important reader of, The Jungle Book, who was concerned with what was written. Pressured Congress and Meat packing Industries to support the Meat Inspection Act of Later on, passed Pure Food and Drug Act in
Goal of the movement.. Protect public from products identified healthy without scientific support. (food labels) Implemented to decrease the spread of diseases and food-induced illnesses. Laws concerning the quality of food and the way its produced. American slaughter and packing houses to be regulated and checked for sanitation purposes. numerous amount of diseases would spread.
Reforms Public Health Movement led to; Clean water Improved sanitation in industry Laws requiring that food and drinks to no longer be altered Life expectancy increased, for children especially -better nutrition - medicine to prevent diseases Increased medical knowledge, led to improved medical practice -more hospitals Improved food quality
Citation Information- "Pure Food and Drug Act." American Decades Primary Sources. Ed. Cynthia Rose. Vol. 1: Detroit: Gale, U.S. History in Context. Web. 9 Oct "Meat Inspection Act/Pure Food and Drug Act." UXL Encyclopedia of U.S. History. Sonia Benson, Daniel E. Brannen, Jr., and Rebecca Valentine. Vol. 5. Detroit: UXL, U.S. History in Context. Web. 9 Oct "Upton Sinclair." Encyclopedia of the American West. Ed. Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, U.S. History in Context. Web. 9 Oct Primary source "The Jungle." American Decades Primary Sources. Ed. Cynthia Rose. Vol. 1: Detroit: Gale, U.S. History in Context. Web. 9 Oct Pictures Meat industry - Roosevelt- Women working - City -