OHIO FROGS 1 Amphibian Basics Methods for Identification Field Guide Info
WARM UP: TRUE OR FALSE? 1) All amphibians hibernate in winter. 2) All amphibians are cold-blooded. 3) All amphibians lay eggs. 4) Amphibians include snakes, frogs, toads, salamandersand turtles. 5) Toads can cause warts. 6) Toads and frogs can be told apart by their hind feet. 7) Only toads have parotoid glands. 8) All amphibians breathe through their skin.
AMPHIBIANS OF OHIO Includes Frogs, Toads and Salamanders All need moist skin for oxygen exchange through skin All hibernate through winter and breed in spring and/or fall All are cold-blooded / exothermic (environment determines body temp.) All lay eggs, larval development continues after hatching
TOADS VS. FROGS Partially webbed hind feet = terrestrial Bumpy, warty skin Enlarged parotoid gland Smaller tympanum Fully or mostly webbed hind feet Smooth, slimy skin No parotoid gland Enlarged typmanum Tree frogs have toe pads on mostly webbed feet Tree frog skin can look bumpy like a toads
WHAT’S THE SONG? male american toad male american toad
AMERICAN TOAD Typical Toad Features: Skin, Hind Feet, Parotoid Gland White line down middle of back 1-2 warts in each black spot on back Song = high-pitched trill Habitat: Very Common and adaptable, open ground and woodlands, gardens Any small pond or puddle to breed
WHAT’S THE SONG? Male Fowler's Toad Male Fowler's Toad
FOWLER’S TOAD Typical Toad Features White line down center of back 3+ warts in each black spot on back song = raspy scream Habitat: woodlands and open areas, less common than american toad, similar breeding pools
WHAT’S THE SONG? Male bull frog Male bull frog
BULLFROG Very Large, our largest species True frog features: skin, fully webbed hind feet, lg. tympanic membrane Green – brown in color, sometimes blotchy No Lateral Folds Song = cow-like groan Habitat: never strays far from still or slow moving water
WHAT’S THE SONG? Male Green Frog Male Green Frog
GREEN FROG Smaller than bullfrog True frog features Green – brown, sometimes blotchy Always has bright green snout Has lateral folds Song = quick grunt or cough Habitat similar to bullfrog but more adaptable to humans
WHAT’S THE SONG? male leopard frog male leopard frog
LEOPARD FROG Smaller than bullfrog and green frog True frog features Green-olive with large rounded spots scattered on back Has lateral folds Song = long deep clicking trill Habitat: prefers grassy areas or wet meadows near water
WHAT’S THE SONG? Male Pickerel Frog Male Pickerel Frog
PICKEREL FROG Same size and basic coloration of leopard frog True frog features Spots are less rounded, more angular, blended together Has lateral folds Has yellowish color on inner thighs Song = zip Habitat: similar to leopard frog but uses wooded areas