Environmental Issues Associated with Human needs for Food (Agriculture) JOHN GARZA BIO 1312 UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON - DOWNTOWN
Brief Background History of Agriculture practices dates back to nearly 9,000 BC in Southwestern Asia were wheat and barley were cultivated. For the next several thousand years agriculture started to develop into the Americas introducing us to fruits and vegetables such as beans, corn, squash, potatoes and etc. It wasn’t until the early 1700’s when Charles Townshend introduced the world his new crop rotation method. This method consisted that turnips could be rotated with wheat, barley, clover, and ryegrass to make soil more fertile and increase yields.
Continued Background 1701 the seed drill was introduced. 1842-John Bennet Lawes founded the first factory to manufacture superphosphate. Mid 1800 to Early 1900-Railroads and steamship lines expanded. 1890s-First gasoline power tractor were built. 1920s-Scientists improved the fertilizing seeds from which farmers grew. 1939-DDT was introduced. Since then farmers have began using computers to keep farm accounts. It checks crop prices and the weather.
Important Biotic Factors Soil Organisms Pesticides/Parasites Diseases Weeds Predators
Important Abiotic Factors Nutrients Temperatures Moisture Lighting Topography
Environmental Impacts Land conversion and habitat loss. (Animals) Wasteful water consumptions (Greatest user) Soil erosion and degradation Pollution (Fertilizer contamination) Climate Change (Greenhouse gases) Genetic Erosion. (Lost genetic diversity)
Economic Impacts Agriculture and agriculture-related industries contributed $789 billion to the U.S. GDP in Food is ranked 3 rd with 12.9 percent share of the total United states GDP. In million full-time jobs were related to agriculture. 9.2% of total employment.
Current Issue Enforcing stricter Food Safety Regulations Closely regulating food safety standards to maintain a safety level that inspires continues consumer confidence. Reducing Pesticide residues and food borne diseases in food. Government agencies are looking for strategies to balance economic revenue as well as maintain safety for agriculture consumers.
Work Cited agricultural-pollution.php agricultural-pollution.php Of-Agriculture.htm Of-Agriculture.htm oil_erosion/ oil_erosion/ charting-the-essentials/ag-and-food-sectors-and-the-economy.aspx charting-the-essentials/ag-and-food-sectors-and-the-economy.aspx