12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA11 S.Miscetti Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Mu2e Italian Meeting 12/2/2015 University La Sapienza, Roma
12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA12 Mu2e Collaboration Mu2e Collaboration 2013 ~185 Collaborators, 32 Institutions, 3 Countries Still growing. Discussion with several USA university groups. 2 UK groups joining: UCL(M.Lancaster), Liverpool(T.Bowcock) Dresda joining (A.Ferrari) Expected completion of EU groups April CM
Mu2e Schedule and plans 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA13 CD2/3b REVIEW DONE last November CD2-CD3b follow-up completed Recommendation for Cost and Schedule CD3b follow up to decide the startup for the TS bid Transport Solenoid prototype done from ASG (Genova) FNAL now used for the preparation of technical documentation for final CD2/CD3b review See Pasquale Vice President will FNAL end of the month for discussing INFN involvement in Neutrino. In the same occasion we are organizing a visit to Mu2e experiment. MoA for cable measurement betwenn INFN and Mu2e ready Construction of tunnel bringing beam to Mu2e underway
Review Closeout: TS solenoid 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA14
Review Closeout: TS solenoid 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA15 So far so good. See Pasquale’s Presentation So far so good. see Pasquale’s presentation
Review Closeout: COST & SCHEDULE 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA16
Review Closeout:Management 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA17 NO MORE REVIEW. Just adding documentation for TS prototype test and “change request”. Expect to get it soon.
Civil work … 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA18
Civil work … 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA19
European Call RISE Together with g-2 (INFN), UK (Mu2e and g-2) and Dresda(Mu2e) we are preparing a call to participate on the program: Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-201 (deadline 28 April 2015) Simona is coordinating the call. Responsibility for the different work package to be discussed. Please contact Simona if you are interested. We should also prepare a “scheduled” estimate of the “man-month” presence (secondment) at FNAL during X. Assuming to get roughly months/year. If winning the call, this is the only constraint we have to respect together with milestones and deliverables. Each month corresponds to 4500 Euro. Large benefit for Travelling and lodging. FNAL will be the hosting institution. Doug will act as contact person. CAEN is the industry that can participate to the network DRESDA irradiation facility will be used as the European infrastructure for irradiation. We can held a dedicated meeting (via skype) on this in two weeks. 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA110
EMC Next steps Calorimeter next steps: First week of April be ready with documentation for CTS. Discussion with referees week before CSN1 General report IN COINCIDENCE with CM AT FNAL We should present: CTS material (description of experiment, magnet+calo) The available manpower from 2015 to 2020 (Team Composition) BOE’s ala INFN (Cost and Schedule + Milestones) Assign responsibility for each BOEs and listed item. Come up with a total INFN calorimeter cost ( TS magnet is now budget free for INFN) in one specific option. Be ready for similar cost estimate in the backup option 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA111
Technology Choice Review Possible date to be placed in the period May 5-25 ?? Decision between BaF 2 with new APDs or CsI+MPPC We are preparing the Review Committee. It will be a mixture of internal and external experts They will judge the technique. The TM, myself, D. Hitlin and the spokes will take the final decision after taking into consideration also the cost. I have prepared some charges to discuss with Ron and the spokes. I will before circulate them within the calorimeter group. Two Italian experts: Cesare Bini (accepted), (I.Dafinei?, S.Passaggio?) can be part of the Review committee. Presentation of material to the committee starts on April. Committee should be formed next month. We need to conclude our R&D. 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA112
CTS Presentation of the CTS (June) Date still to be decided. Next week I will discuss with F. Bedeschi and G.Battistoni (the new CTS chair). First round: presentation and loading of all material Second round: reply to CTS questions I need people (L3s?) backing me up for the writing, preparation of cost and schedule and check all cost estimates. It assumes we all agree to make the calorimeter *Whatever version is decided from the TCR* 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA113
R&D: CsI and BaF 2 to be measured We will receive: 9 CsI crystals 30x30x200 mm 3 from SICCAS (as the ones already tested) 2 CsI crystals 30x30x200 nm 3 from Optomaterial (Tortoli’, Italy). few CsI crystals from Kharkov ( 4 29x29x230 mm 3, 8 20x20x120 mm 3 ). Half of them for us, the other half for Ren Yuan Zhu. 4 BaF 2 crystals (30x30x200) mm 3 from St.Petersburg 10 new monolithic MPPC 12x12 mm 3, UV extended from Hamamatsu We should: Measure the crystals light-output, LRU, radiation hardness First neutron flux then Dose, for one sample of each category (Simona) Measure their transmittance (Marco) Determine their time resolution when coupled to MPPC/PMT (Ivano) Radiation hardness test of MPPC is still missing. We HAVE TO DO IT. For BaF 2, it will be important to receive few RMD APDs to test also electronics. ( We will just adapt the preamplifier but will not proceed with the design of the HV generator at 2000 V until technology choice is not completed.) 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA114
Determination of G,Idark, PDE of MPPC Since we will receive the UV improved MPPC from Hamamatsu, we need to independently test them with light at different wavelengths: Use a mono-chromator system to send light at a given wavelength reading them out and compare with PIN diode or PMT response? Use the new UV led from SETI when arriving … Compare with measurement at UV light source.. Compare with measurement at photosensors’station in Pisa.. Planning for end of February? Use this occasion to develop a SIPM test for radiation hardness 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA115
Test under vacuum We should test: Optical grease (Dow Corning 2000, Bluesil Paste 7) Optical glue (RTV) partly procured, partly obtained from Caltech via DHL. Hardener of RTV glue evaporated during the flight? Degassing, coupling with Crystals and response under vacuum. This is essential to estimate our related gas-load and give indication to the mechanics and to the muon beam-line experts. A test system should be prepared 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA116
Mechanics, FEE/WF and integration After TCR we should start preparing for CD-3: end of December 2015 Director Review, Feb or March 2016 DOE CD-3 review. The TCR will freeze dimension and kind of crystals and kind of photo- sensors. Same freedom will remain on the MPPC size but we should freeze it soon after TCR if selected (July?) Specification of cabling, feed-through, services, Laser, shielding and grounding should be done during summer/fall in preparation for CD3. Freezing and complete design of FEE and WF is also needed. Interferences and interfaces to be fully specified. A final test of electronics under vacuum and irradiation also needed. 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA117
Conclusions The 2014 was a real tough but successful year for Mu2e: CD-2, CD3a and CD3b reviews completed Civil work started.. Escavation of Mu2e hall soon. TS magnet prototype done (thx Pasquale!) but also for the calorimeter: Completion of LYSO R&D (Test beams done, analysis/NIM in progress) R&D of BaF 2 + RMD APD in progress R&D of CsI+new UV extended MPPC almost done Irradiation program started Mechanical, FEE, WF first integration in progress Moreover from INFN We got the approval for a participation to the experiment PLANS: We need to get a formal approval and a clear budget envelope from CTS We need to prepare CD-3 review. 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA118
ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA119
TCR possible charges …. Are the shown options able to satisfy the calorimeter requirements, i.e. are they able to provide the required energy, time and position resolutions while working under vacuum and in the radiation environment of the experiment? Have the shown photo-sensors proven to have stability of response and reliability to be considered mature enough for their procurement phase and for the following calorimeter construction? Are there any specific risks you see in the shown options? If both options look equally valid and without major risks, is there some criteria you can identify to make a final choice among them? 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA120
Cost of calorimeter system (1) 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA121 Evaluated with Euro=1.35 $, Euro=136 Yen. Yen is stable, Euro = 1.13 $ +20% for crystals.
Cost of calorimeter system (2) We have a problem here for the baseline: +20% cost due to the Euro/$ exchange rate Cost/cc is evaluated in $ from SICCAS BaF 2.. Big effort to keep it at 10 $/cc Hexagonal shape has a +20/30% increase. OK proceeding with Square. Cost/cc for CsI is better: 6 $/cc for SICCAS 8 Euro/cc for OptoMaterial. No offers for BaF 2 DOE contribution already reduced for number of crystals.. We have lost 240 crystals in the two innermost rings for the second ring. 12/2/2015S.Miscetti - ROMA122
Project talk: Charge Questions 1.Have the Project and the Laboratory responded satisfactorily to the recommendations of the previous DOE review? Yes Recommendations to be completed prior to CD-2 fully satisfied Recommendations for TS Modules on track for April readiness review Good progress on Recommendations required prior to CD-3c In particular: o EVMS fully implemented and helping to manage project o Change Control fully implemented and helping to control evolution of project o Project Office positions all filled 2/4/15R. Ray - CD-2/3b Follow-up23
Project talk: Charge Questions 2.Is the detailed design sufficiently mature and appropriately reviewed so that the project can continue, as planned, with the procurement and fabrication work that will be approved by CD-3b. YES Detector Hall is ready to go. TS Module Design Complete. Drawings Complete. Successful TS Module Final Design Review TS Module design has significant Ic margin, significant temperature margin, significant mechanical margins and demonstrated manufacturing technique. TS Module Prototype is a fully manufactured prototype that is being used to validate design. Additional stress tests to approximate system operating conditions and confirm margins. Acquisition strategy in place. Modeled after PS/DS strategy. Plan to approve procurement after prototype tests defined. 2/4/15R. Ray - CD-2/3b Follow-up24