My Introduction Angela Mann
My Family
More Family
My History I’ve worked in the medical field all my adult life. I worked in a cardio vascular intensive care unit. I loved my job, but over the last few years, the job was getting to be to much physically. I had Knee surgery February last year, and after consulting with my physician, I decided it was to much of a risk to go back to my regular job. So her I’m at 52, years old starting a new career. Even before the knee surgery, I knew the job was going to be to much for me to continue. So, when I decided to go back to school, I majored in something I always wanted to do, work with children. A few years ago I went back to school preparing myself for the future. I earned a associate degree in Early Childhood Education, from the University of Phoenix. Then transferred to Ashford and received my Bachelor's in physiology, and now am after my Master’s in Education and community Service. “I want to be work ready for the 21th century”. My personal interest is my family and people in general. I Love my family and love helping others. I also like to cook, read (not much time for entertainment reading right now), and I began this pass Christmas learning to make Christmas reefs, it’s a lot of fun.
MAED Family and Community Service MAED/Family and Community Service. Social Worker Having the opportunity to earn a higher education, is one that’s always been a lifetime goal. One that I had given up on until the things that’s happen over the last few years. Although I will be entering this field with no experience, my hope is by having a Master degree will show my future employer, I am willing to do the work need to become a exceptional employee. I also hope it will give me greater job opportunities.
My Quote My favorite quote is from my father (unknown to most, but loved by many). He believed in education and encouraged us to never stop learning. “You can never be to young to start learning, and never get to old to stop”.