USUDS Technological Platform IT Platform Managers’ Training INTRODUCTION Barcelona, 10 April 2013 Oriol Barba
2 IT Platform Managers’ Trainig – Barcelona, April Objectives of the IT Platform Managers’ Training (I) The objective of this Training is twofold: To learn how to manage the different pages of the USUDS Platform: uploading of contents, featuring of different pages, etc. To generate inputs in relation to its future decentralised management and its evolution towards the Alpha version. Your participation is essential to elaborate a participatory and network-managed community of cities interested in urban sustainable development.
3 IT Platform Managers’ Trainig – Barcelona, April Objectives of the IT Platform Managers’ Training (II) These objectives will be attained during the next three days thanks to your participation and the sessions prepared to this end. We aim at generating positive synergies which will serve not only for the consolidation of the on-line activities and initiatives of the network but also for the development of the in situ activities foreseen during the coming months in our cities. We do not expect to have a functional Platform the day after this Training ends but to start a process of joint construction using the structure designed. Your participation is essential to elaborate a participatory and network-managed community of cities interested in urban sustainable development.
4 IT Platform Managers’ Trainig – Barcelona, April The elaboration of the USUDS Platform A call for tenders was launched in the spring 2012, leading to a contract with Lavinia Interactiva to develop the USUDS Technological Platform The functional analysis of the website started in September 2012 and ended in January The elaboration of the Beta version has run in parallel to the definition of conceptual and designing details. What we present today is a Beta version of the USUDS Platform which will evolve according to this Training in order to present a final Alpha version which will be presented to our partners.
5 IT Platform Managers’ Trainig – Barcelona, April USUDS Platform: technical details The USUDS Platform has been developed using the Content Management System (CMS) LifeRay. This is the program used for the development of the public area of the Platform. The private area of the Platform has been developed using Open Atrium, an intranet system developed by Drupal. Lavinia Interactiva is the company which has developed the Platform in accordance with the AMB team. Lavinia Interactiva has developed the USUDS Technological Platform following the instructions of the AMB team.
6 IT Platform Managers’ Trainig – Barcelona, April How the USUDS Platform is structured…. And why. We have structured the Platform trying to answer the following question: WHO WE ARE? “ a network (community) of cities interested in strategic planning which carry out different activities among them sharing best practices in order to learn form each other (P2P). ” The structure of the Platform responds to the question ‘who we are?’
7 IT Platform Managers’ Trainig – Barcelona, April USUDS Platform: home screenshot
8 IT Platform Managers’ Trainig – Barcelona, April USUDS Platform: contents Who we are Presentation Objectives Organization Participants How to become member Cities Best practices Criteria for best practices Evaluate your best practices Best practices catalogue Other cases of interest Strategic planning Thinking the city strategically How to build a CDS Knowledge Transfer Centers Methodology and Experts Debates Strategic Alliances Activities Events Agenda Documents Project Documents Other resources Community
Oriol Barba ÀREA METROPOLITANA DE BARCELONA (BARCELONA-SPAIN) FUNDACIÓN CIEDES (MÁLAGA-SPAIN) MUNICIPALITÉ DE SFAX (SFAX-TUNISIE) URBAN COMMUNITY OF AL FAYHAA (TRIPOLI-LEBANON) LARNAKA MUNICIPALITY (LARNAKA-CYPRUS) MUNICIPALITÉ DE SOUSSE (SOUSSE-TUNISIE) SAIDA MUNICIPALITY (SAIDA-LEBANON) Associated partners: This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of USUDS Network and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.