Problem: Future marine engineers demand skills in English The need for knowledge of English learners in professional education as a pedagogical problem ( applied orientation) Recent situation: Lack of English skills Model on knowledge of English at the future of Marine Engineers as a target profile learning English in Marine Lyceum
Methods of theoretical studies / Literature review: theoretical analysis and synthesis, abstraction and specification, modeling and design, comparatively, a comparative analysis; Empirical research Document analysis Observation teaching experience Formative experiment, testing, surveys and interviews Statistical analysis of experimental data : Description of the sample, data analysis
A Model illustrating the needs for knowledge of English for future of Marine Engineers Diagnosis of motivational aspects related to learning English Tools to improve motivation E-Learning tools for English
Teachers expect that electronic technologies will help to motivate students to learn English more effectively Model on mechanism of diagnosis "motivation of learning English” supports the development of electronic learning aids
What are factors influencing the motivation to learn English language for students in Marine Lyceum?