Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union March 2013 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference CEPT Meeting April 2013 Prague, Czech Republic Jaroslaw K. PONDER Coordinator for Europe
March 2013 Committed to Connecting the World Overview At its 2011 session, Council decided that the next ordinary plenipotentiary conference would take place in Busan (Republic of Korea) from Monday, 20th October to Friday, 7th November 2014 (Council Decision 560 refers). Further to Decision 560 and in accordance with No. 2 of the Convention, on 21 October 2011, the Secretary-General launched a consultation (Circular Letter No. 47 refers) with the Member States of ITU requesting their concurrence with the precise place and exact dates for PP-14. On 13 December 2011, the Secretary-General announced that the consultation received the agreement of the required majority of the Member States in accordance with No. 2 of the Convention (Circular Letter No. 67 refers)
March 2013 Committed to Connecting the World Profile and Agenda Responsibilities Participation Elections and Right to Vote Structure and Chairmanship Preparations and Inputs Plenipotentiary Conference - Overview
March 2013 Committed to Connecting the World PP Profile Supreme organ of ITU Held every four years Determines the general policies for fulfilling the purposes of the Union 2,000 Participants 230+ ITU staff
March 2013 Committed to Connecting the World PP Agenda Agenda The agenda of the Plenipotentiary Conference is contained in Article 8 of the constitution of the ITU
March 2013 Committed to Connecting the World PP Responsibilities Convened every four years, the PP (ref CS/Art 8) : Determines general policies for fulfilling the purposes of the Union Considers reports of the Council; Establishes the strategic plan for the Union and the basis for the budget of the Union, and determines related financial limits; Establishes the total number of contributory units for period up to next PP; Provides general directives dealing with staffing; Examines the accounts of the Union; Elects SG, DSG, Directors of Bureaux of Sectors, members of the RRB and of Council; Considers and adopts modifications to the CS/CV/GR; Concludes agreements with international organizations
March 2013 Committed to Connecting the World PP Participation Participation Member States (CV 268) Palestine (Res 99 (Rev. Antalya, 2006) The United Nations (CV 269A) Regional telecommunications organizations (CV 269B) Intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems (CV 269C) Specialized agencies of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency (CV 269D) Sector Members referred to in CV229 (recognized operating agencies, scientific or industrial organizations and financial or development institutions) and CV231 (regional and other international telecommunication, standardization, financial or development organizations) Participation of Observers: The participation of observers in PP is governed by the terms of Res 145 (Antalya, 2006)Res 145 (Antalya, 2006) Media and public Invitations & Credentials (GR Ch I, CV 325, ) One-year before the opening of the conference, the inviting government shall send an invitation to the government of each MS Accreditation : Accreditation of delegations sent by Member States to the PP shall be by means of written instruments signed by the Head of State, by the Head of Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
March 2013 Committed to Connecting the World PP Elections and Right to Vote
March 2013 Committed to Connecting the World PP Structure & Chairmanship Sub Groups
March 2013 Committed to Connecting the World PP inputs Plenipotentiary R,T,D conferences and assemblies National, Regional and Interregional preps Council and Sector Advisory Groups Coordination Committee PP Preparatory Group * Res. 58 (PP-10): Strengthening of the relation between ITU & RTO and regional preparation for the PP *
March 2013 Committed to Connecting the World