Beauty and ME Standards of Beauty Then and Now
Beauty What is beauty What do you think makes someone beautiful?
Beauty How does your perfect man look? How do your children look? What is the standard of beauty in America? Look it up on the internet. Define it and write an explanation that a third grader could understand. Illustrate the definition in two written paragraphs. (you may use a media star as an example but be sure to explain why you chose him or her.)
Historic Look Greeks Ideal beauty from each period of Greek history changes Women and Men were both seen as beautiful at one point or an other.
Historical Look Greeks Greek culture embellished on the womanly figure to make her look as though she will be a fruitful wife. Ancient Greek architecture is based on this view of symmetry and proportion. Modern research also suggests that people whose facial features are symmetric and proportioned according the golden ratio are more attractive than those whose faces are notGreek
Historic Look China Bound feet is the breaking and binding of feet in tight cloth– sexualized the feet as beautiful customary even for peasant women-- symbolized the painful constraints of the female role.
China Beauty is different throughout the region China is comprised of many different ethnic groups that have all different standards of beauty today.
Historical Look Japan Beauty is constructed to resemble nature Different definitions of beauty- hade, iki, shibui, and wasi/sabi Find out what these four types of beauty mean. What does that mean about Japanese society?
Historical Look At Beauty India Caste system promotes light skinned persons beautiful and higher on caste system
Historical Look Roman The ideal Roman was defined as tall, muscular, long-legged, with a full head of thick hair, a high and wide forehead – a sign of intelligence – wide-set eyes, a strong brow line, a strong perfect nose and profile, a smaller mouth, and a strong jaw line.
Historic Look Egypt Style varied throughout the continent Breasts were sometimes left bare or covered Linen and animal skins were worn often Eyes were extenuated as part of the way to the soul.
Historic Look Africa Throughout the continent, beauty is different Some places necks and lips are elongated for beauty Some areas girls are “fattened” for beauty. Some areas modesty is beautiful. Why is there so much variation on beauty on a hot continent? Use a map to get answer.
Beauty Does clothes make a person beautiful? If so, why or why not? Why you think each culture on the earth has a different perception of beauty?
You Next you will see pictures of people. In your group develop a system of rating beauty, write it out Then on an individual basis, rate each person. Explain why each person is or is not a beauty. Then rate yourself based on your rating system. Be objective.
References /topics/clothing.htmhttp:// /topics/clothing.htm ocentriclinks.htmhttp:// ocentriclinks.htm styles-of-wear.htmlhttp:// styles-of-wear.html
References of_beauty of_beauty oADg.jzbkF/SIG=132eqb5lg/EXP= /**http%3A// spx%3Fmid= %26epmid=1%26partne r=Yahoo oADg.jzbkF/SIG=132eqb5lg/EXP= /**http%3A// spx%3Fmid= %26epmid=1%26partne r=Yahoo