Guidance in LLL concept – from strategies to practice Career Guidance without Barriers Jakub Stárek
The Lifelong Learning Strategy in the Czech Republic
How was LLL Strategy produced I. EC InitiativeEC Initiative Conclusion of Council of Ministers for EducationConclusion of Council of Ministers for Education II. Working teamsWorking teams Opponent groups (internal/external)Opponent groups (internal/external) III. Conclusion on compromise materialConclusion on compromise material
Government approval LLL Strategy – government approval n.761 ( ) Implementation plan – government approval n. 8 ( ) Implementation 2008 – 2015 Implementation 2008 – 2015
What is essence of LLL Strategy? New approach in education All education „from cradle to grave“ LLL concept
Type of education in LLL Strategy
7 strategic aims
1.E. Career guidance in initial education in context of LLL Strategy – upper secondary 1.E. 4. promote the availability of individualized career guidance for all students and secondary school graduates, providing information and guidance assistance in the area of employment possibilities and related education. Firstly create the conception of career guidance at level of upper secondary schools Development of school provision on guidance services Not only counselling for education opportunities but for work life Development of further education of pedagogical staff system in career guidance
2.E. Career guidance in initial education in context of LLL Strategy – tertiary 2.E. 3. promote the development of a career guidance system at higher educational institutions; extend psychological and study guidance to include the aspect of career guidance. Continuously motivate tertiary education providers in extending counseling services including career guidance aimed at further/adult education Extend intra evaluation system on career guidance quality evaluation
3.G. Develop an information and guidance system for adult education 3.G. 1. interconnect currently separate databases of educational opportunities (public and private) into a complex information system providing comprehensive information on learning and guidance opportunities 3.G. 2. ensure the quality (reliability) of information in AE and its regular updating, disseminate information through various media so that it is accessible for all target groups This objectives will be implemented with ESF
3.G. Develop an information and guidance system for adult education 3.G. 3. provide for an increase in the quality of guidance services through improving the methodology of work with adult clients and preparing methodology for working with specific groups of clients, train the employees of counselling and information services in new methods and individualized procedures 3.G. 4. through extending the capacities of guidance services and interconnecting their components, provide for the comprehensiveness of counselling services and the in availability for all interested persons
Institutional background for LL Career Guidance LL Career Guidance Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Counseling National Institute of Technical and Vocational Education National Agency for European Educational Programmes (NAEP) - Euroguidance Center Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Administration of Employment Services Labour offices -> National lifelong guidance forum <-
Inter-ministerial cooperation in career guidance tasks January 2009 – was established inter-ministerial working group Common course in implementation of LLL Strategy Common course in LL career guidance (first meeting ) Key issues discussed National lifelong guidance forum (role of Labour Services, social partners, etc.) Interconnection of Labour Offices activities and guidance in schools Terminology Qualification standard of “career guide” (using NQF, NOF)
Necessity of AE Necessity of AE Current issues: Ageing population New skills needs Doesn’t exist any more: Lifetime job Lifetime proffesion
National Qualification Framework – bridge between world of labour and education Requirements of Labour Market Qualifications Initial education Adult education Exam DÍLČÍ KVALIFIKACE Type Poss. School Education programs Type Poss Type Poss Courses, prog. Occup. Frame Education programs Full qualifications (FQ) D Í L ČÍ KVALIFIKACE Partial Qualifications (PQ) Requirements of employers Praxes,… Guidance
Assessment standard Assessment standard Qualification standard Qualification standard Full / complete qualification Full / complete qualification DÍLČÍ Partial qualification Partial qualification professional qualifications of a natural person to duly perform all work activities pertaining to a relevant profession. professional qualifications of a natural person to duly perform a certain work activity or a set of work activities in a relevant profession. National qualification framework - Precise description of labour market What to know? How to assess? Bricklayer Tailor Auto mechanic Shop assistant Chemical engineer Plasterer Maker of heat-cladding systems Tire service mechanic Hat maker Tier and decorator of flowers Sommeliar
Career guidance in context of AE Career guidance in context of AE Aims at individual need at labour market in shorter or longer perspective Finding way trough your professional life Finding proper qualification that suits to individual potential and with current labour market needs Identify most efficient way to get new knowledge and skills for that qualification Prepare individual for exams
Systematical framework in AE – national level Support of schools development when providing AE and guidance (UNIV2) School support for recognition of learning outcomes NQF Supporting schools to become LLL centers PR for AE Preparing modular courses for AE in relation with NQF Interconnection of guidance services
Secondary vocational schoolLLL and Recognition CentreCareer guidance Further adult education Recognition of learning outcomes Qualification acquired (partial qualification) Career guide in LLL and Recognition Centre School level
LLL and Recognition centre in each regionCareer guide IAP balance diagnostics Career guide for recognition of LO Further adult education Regional level Qualification acquired (partial qualification) Labour Offices
Jakub Stárek