6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks Mariorosario Prist, Lucio Ciabattoni, Andrea Monteriù, Lucia Pepa, Alessandro Freddi, Sauro Longhi {m.prist, l.ciabattoni, a.monteriu, l.pepa, a.freddi,
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” Motivation Aim Wireless Sensor Architecture IEEE 1451 Standard and Argosd I Modularity WBAN Sensor Node Design Node Hardware Design Intelligent Transducer Hardware Design WBAN Sensor Node Operating System Conclusion Talk Outline
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” Generally speaking, a communication standard optimized for low power devices and operation on, in or around the human body (but not limited to humans) to serve a variety of applications including medical, consumer electronics / personal entertainment and other. In more common terms, a Body Area Network is a system of devices in close proximity to a persons body that cooperate for the benefit of the user. Wireless Body Area Network
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” There are many wireless sensor platforms for research topics for designing a Wireless Boby Area Network: BSN Development Kit v3 TinyHMS SuWBAN Platform Limb mobility - EXLs1 Wispes W24TH Skymote …. Motivation
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” … and there are many wireless body area network sensor nodes for consumer applications: OpenGo sensor insole 9Solutions Metria Wearable Sensor Medical ICT BAN (Body Area Network) SystemNode1551 …. Motivation
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” Most of the existing commercial node architectures provide little flexibility and configurability. These wireless sensor nodes have all sensors on board. The processing and communication modules are fixed and cannot be often extended. The main objective of this work is to design a novel and modular WBAN sensor node where the communication is standardized according to the IEEE1451 standard for the entire sensor network. This work is based on the Argosd I platform and results useful for different kind of sensors. Aim
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” IEEE standard describes a set of communication interfaces for connecting transducers (sensors or actuators) to microprocessors, instrumentation systems, and control/field networks. IEEE is a new standard for adding ‘plug and play’ capabilities to analog transducers. The mechanism for plug and play identification is the standardization of a Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS). A TEDS contains the critical information needed by an instrument or measurement system to identify, characterize, interface, and properly use the signal from an analog sensor. WBAN Sensor Architecture - IEEE 1451 Standard
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” Enable self-identification and self-description of each sensor and each actuator. Simplify the field installation, the system upgrade and the sensors maintenance by simple “plug and play” of devices to instruments and networks. Know physical units to use (e.g., pressure in Pascal, temperature in K, etc…) Know sensors accuracy and their resolution. Provide calibration information. WBAN Sensor Architecture – Benefits of having a TEDS
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” According to IEEE1451 standard and starting from our previous version of the board, namely “Argosd I”, we have developed a novel and WBAN modular platform, called “Argosd II”. Our previously developed “Argosd I” is a Sky mote–based board with: same Sky mote microcontroller same Sky mote radio chip (IEEE ) different Sky mote architecture The goal of Argosd I development was: Reduce the size Reduce power consumption Increase the flexibility Remove custom sensors on board WBAN Sensor Architecture - Argosd I
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” The standard Sky platform is divided in three principal parts: WBAN Sensor Architecture - Argosd I
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” The standard platform is divided in three principal parts: USB connection and components for programming the node WBAN Sensor Architecture - Argosd I USB Connection for programming the node
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” The standard platform is divided in three principal parts: USB connection for programming the node Sensors and Free I/O Pins WBAN Sensor Architecture - Argosd I USB Connection for programming the node Sensors and Free I/O Pins
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” WBAN Sensor Architecture - Argosd I USB Connection for programming the node Sensors and Free I/O Pins Microcontroller and Radio Chip The standard platform is divided in three principal parts: USB connection for programming the node Sensors and Free I/O Pins Microcontroller and Radio Chip
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” The standard platform is divided in three principal parts: USB connection and components for programming the node Sensors and Free I/O Pins Microcontroller and Radio Chip WBAN Sensor Architecture - Argosd I
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” For each part, a custom board has been developed: Programmer Argosd I WBAN Sensor Architecture - Argosd I
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” Argosd II is developed starting from the Argosd I board according to the IEEE1451 standard The previous platform Argosd I has been divided in two modules which correspond to two different physical boards: Wireless Interface Module (WTIM) TEDS WBAN Sensor Architecture - Modularity
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” First module (WTIM) is used to manage the network policy, Radio chip and IEEE1451 commands. The second module (TEDS) is used to manage the intelligent transducers. WBAN Sensor Architecture - Modularity
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” Sensor board (on the left) and connection node (on the right) real dimensions compared with a 2 euro coin. WBAN Sensor Architecture - Argosd II
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” Fall Detection Board TEDS for Argosd II Serial bus Microcontroller Onboard sensors: accelerometer, light meter, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, microphone for acoustic fall detection WBAN Sensor Node – Intelligent Transducer Hardware Design
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” Blood Pressure Board TEDS for Argosd II Serial bus Microcontroller Onboard sensors: Blood Pressure Monitor Plug-in Board (MED-BPM), with a MPXV5050GP Pressure sensor WBAN Sensor Node – Intelligent Transducer Hardware Design
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” The Operating System used for programming the Argosd II is Contiki Most interesting features of Contiki OS are : Portability OS ad Hoc for wireless sensor nodes Multitasking Event driven kernel Protothread (lightweight stackless thread) Networking stack Cooja Simulator Wireless Sensor Node Operating System: Contiki
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ” “Argosd II” has been developed as a novel modular solution suitable for WBAN. The node results composed by two main boards, related to the connection and the sensor interface, respectively. The TEDS communication for the entire sensor network has been standardized according to the IEEE1451 standard. In order to compare this node to other similar commercial solutions, the performances of the proposed open hardware wireless modular node are actually under investigation and, in the future, the proposed solution will be integrated and tested with other commercial wireless devices in a more complex wireless body area network. Conclusion
6 th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living ForItAAL 2015 “ An Open Hardware Modular Node for Wireless Body Area Networks ”