Spanish-American War
Spain's Rule Over Cuba Cuba was a colony of Spain. Cubans wanted to be independent of Spanish rule and wanted to overthrown the Spanish. Americans supported Cuban independence due to the reports of atrocities committed by the Spanish against the Cubans. Americans viewed the Cuban revolt similarly to the American revolution. Sensational stories about the bloody revolt was called Yellow-Journalism.
Sensational stories were meant to sell more newspapers. President McKinley did not want to intervene in the war between Spain and Cuban rebels.
Explosion of the Maine McKinley was concerned about the safety of the Americans in Havana, Cuba. He sent the battleship the Maine to rescue them. The Maine exploded in the harbor of Havana, Cuba. The American press reported it was the Spanish that was responsible for the Maine exploding and killing all the crew members.
Effects of the Maine Explosion Congress quickly passed a bill giving the President $50 million to go to war with Spain. People in America began using “Remember the Maine” as battle cry to go to war with Spain. McKinley finally asked Congress to declare Cuba independent and demanded Spain withdraw from Cuba. Spain responded by declaring war on the U.S.
The Philippines U.S. had battleships stationed in China and the Spanish had battleships in the Philippines. Spain controlled the Philippines as it was a Spanish Colony. U.S. battleships were ordered to attack Spanish forces in the Philippines in order to prevent the Spanish from attacking the West coast. U.S. enlisted the help of a Filipino revolutionary to rally up a Filipino army to launch a guerilla war against the Spanish in the Philippines.
The Philippines Cont. The Filipino revolutionaries thought the Americans were allies. Instead when U.S. forces arrived they quickly seized Manila, the Capital city. The Americans refused to recognize the revolutionaries as a legitimate army and a legitimate government. Hostility and tensions grew between Filipinos and Americans.
War in Cuba Americans troops were not well prepared with appropriate uniforms and equipment. Unsanitary conditions caused many American soldiers to die in training camps before ever making it to battle. Theodore Roosevelt was 2 nd in command leading a Calvary of Americans into battle. ¼ of the American troops fighting in Cuba were African-American. After capturing major cities in Cuba from the Spanish, the U.S. captured the Spanish colony of Puerto Rico, forcing Spain to surrender.
Effects of the Spanish-American War Cuba was given independence from Spain. Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines would be annexed and taken over by the United States. The Philippines was purchased from Spain for $20 million. The U.S. became an imperial power with control and influence in different regions of the world.
Rebellion in the Philippines The Filipino guerilla fighter who helped the U.S. win the war against the Spanish resented the Americans for annexing the Philippines. Filipino guerilla fighters attacked American troops but were no match for the Americans. The U.S. set up prison camps to separate Filipino guerillas from citizens. Thousands of Filipinos died in the camps from disease and starvation.
Winning the Filipino People President tries to win over the Filipino people in order to end their rebellion. He reforms education by building schools, transportation and healthcare. Americans build roads, bridges and telegraph lines to help modernize the country and strengthen its economy. Create jobs for the Filipinos Slowly over time the Filipino people became less hostile to the Americans and the guerillas forces stopped attacking American troops once their leader was captured and order his men to surrender U.S. granted Philippines independence (50yrs).