Photoshop Rasters/bitmaps
Download and unzip Previously: downloaded Photoshop On web site Into InClass/Photoshop/images
Images constructed/edited via layers Photoshop files end in.psd ( P hoto s hop D ocument) The psd version contains the image, plus Photoshop information-- Layer names, layer adjustments, brightness adjustments etc Burt Monroy – 700,000 layers in one graphic Burt Monroy Show rulers, pixels Open threepix.psd What is the size in pixels? Note: File>Revert to re-load last time you saved
Photo guidelines Rule of thirds
Guides… Subject: Looking into the frame ( a.k.a. center of Interest) Use of Leading Lines:
Frame your photo
Bitmap=raster Zoom in until see pixels (ctrl-+)
Workspace Window> Reset essentials
Rotate 90 degrees (Image menu…) If bottom is background and locked We Fix in class Name England
Background problem Locked Rename as England…no lock any more
Selections Magic wand Quick Selection Use Quick Selection to select sky Feather Lassos Select “hut” Add to selection? Delete from selection?
More tools Foreground color Paint bucket Edit>Step Backward Like an un-do, Ctrl-z works also History Brush …..let’s look at that a bit
Brush… Create a selection Use brush to color in
Brush Practice… Using a brush to paint a selection Quick Select to Select area around soldier Select>Modify>Feathe r…50 Choose color will use to “brush” Select Brush 40 pixels wide Soft Paint over selected area
Adjustment Layers Benefit? Use History to get back to where we selected only Find adjustments tab:
Find hue and saturation Won’t affect original photo Look for hue and saturation Be sure to check Colorize Choose your sky color
More Selection tools Marque tools Magic Wand Quick Select Healing tools Remember: Ctrl-D to delete marching ants Ctrl- H to hide them
Magic Wand Selects on contrast, color You specify a certain pixel Tolerance dictates choosing pixels that are up to 32 shades darker, 32 brighter…assumes tolerance = 32
Why select? One reason: So we can colorize the selection
Colorize: Using paint bucket Select area (we did) We saw how to use paint brush to colorize Also we have a paint bucket. Select Foreground color tool Open swatches panel Choose color Paint Bucket to “paint”
Using the Brush tool Also To colorize Select it In Control area choose brush hardness, width:
Quick Select Works same as Magic Wand…does better job
Practice: in class Select the sky around the smaller Stonehenge picture Tricky because of the way the sky is involved. Make the sky be a dark gray Mine: Make the grass be brighter
Add clouds Select the sky Foreground color = white ( ) Choose background color…pale blue cmyk (55,13,6,0) Add a new layer, name it Clouds Select the new layer Filter>Render>Clouds
So far: Make selections using Magic wand, quick select Add, delete from selections Use Hue and Saturation adjustments on a selection
Lasso tools Lasso Magnetic lasso
Moving and cropping Select the wide shot of Stonehenge Crop to it Image>Crop See rule of thirds?
Practice; Select so can move selections Select a rock Move it: Leave’s a hole Clone stamp tool does better job…
Clone Stamp Copies pixels from one location to another. Alt-click location to pick up pixels, see bulls eye? Paint/drag to where you want pixels to be copied to Note + sign
Resizing Image Size Image>Image size
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