National Mark Layers Course Yachting WAPerth 2011
Pre Event Notice of Race - fixes date and venue Sailing Instructions - provide the detailed information to competitors Yachting WAPerth 2011
Draft SI ’ s for an event are circulated from the RO to his race management team. The Senior Mark Layer as part of that team receives a draft of the SIs for comment and iinformation. Scan through the SIs. What is the most relevant information and answers for Mark Layers contained within these SIs Sailing Instructions Yachting WAPerth 2011
Get involved early in SI’s, Liaise with RO. – Race areas – Description of marks – Course configuration / number of marks – Number of courses – Number of fleets – Start line / Finish Line Sailing Instructions Yachting WAPerth 2011
Turn up with the plan Get your mark team together –Plan best way to set course with resources available Identify roles – Key role on the start pin - Mark 1 Go to Safety Briefing Be clear about your role as mark layer it may come first!! Go to Race Management meeting Lots of individuals all feeling important! Isolate and pin down the RO for a “One 2 One” Arriving at The Event Yachting WAPerth 2011
Discuss your plan and contingencies Time needed for changes to course. - never works Concerns for last second calls! discuss concerns early about possible changes Example 2011 ISAF Laser Final Introduce the start line layer. How is it to be set / calling the line? Confirm likely course distances and angles Agree VHF Radio Channel, check mobiles ( sometimes better than radio)! RO’sOne 2 One Yachting WAPerth 2011
“Reference System” position of marks are relative to a fixed reference point (gate 4 - start boat) Race Officer will give final Course Axis ◦ Best angle to set up on based on wind over the whole course Main method of Course Setting Yachting WAPerth 2011
Position of a mark is relative to a fixed reference point (gate 4 - start boat) Reference point is entered into GPS either manually as Lat / Long or by pinging. All Marks are set on a pre-calculated Dist & Bearing from Reference point. Course Axis determined at “last minute” by RO Whole course instanteously set, lifted or moved “Reference System” Yachting WAPerth 2011
This is now the system adopted by YWA and ISAF for Major events Also very useful for club racing It has proved very successful in initial set up of race courses. Wind feedback from 4 course corners to RO helps team agree best axis Need the “proforma” angle and Bearing sheets for course configuration 60 or 70 degrees? Required to enter Lat Long to GPS given over VHF The Reference System Yachting WAPerth 2011
Wind Readings Position your boat roughly where you are likely to be dropping your mark. Give regular wind direction readings back to the RO. Even after racing starts check wind regularly and if a change inform RO. Yachting WAPerth 2011
It is handy to have a system and all the mark laying team use the same system Sorting the Kit Yachting WAPerth 2011
Tools of the Trade Yachting WAPerth 2011
Angles – Best Measured by GPS and checked by hand bearing compass Downwind/upwind checked with stick & wool. Distances – Measured by GPS – Committee boat or Ref Point entered as waypoint – All Marks set entered as waypoints Input Lat / Long given over vhf You need to know how to do this on your GPS! Positioning the Marks Yachting WAPerth 2011
Accurate distances and angles See if marks are moving! Marks set entered as waypoints Helps Planning ahead will the course fit! Course area saved for safety in poor Vis. E.g. Finn Worlds - San Francisco Hard to drive to a position easier to do range and bearing from a position GPS and Marks Yachting WAPerth 2011
2 Main methods Dropping- usually course marks Streaming- the start pin, Streaming - 2nd gate mark Laying the Marks Yachting WAPerth 2011
Windward marks – monitor wind and agree Axis before dropping “Check off” as it drops Sink spare line - weight GPS it - ping! Laying upwind is easier to adjust downwind Always pick up mark heading into the wind Dropping Marks Yachting WAPerth 2011
When to stream Laying start pin & laying 2 nd gate mark Go Downwind stream mark hold anchor Motor ahead getting slower Start pin - drop command from RO Let mark settle Get a transit back to RO, see if it moves! Streaming Marks Yachting WAPerth 2011
Example of streaming Rope around prop ◦ Crew sees it safely out the back ! Rope around crew ◦ Be careful Try not to Overshoot desired position ◦ Go slower as you get closer ! Tangle of line prevents streaming ◦ Flake in a basket don’t coil ! RO distracted not communicating ◦ Call him to wake him up early ! ◦ Agree hand signals and / or VHF ! Streaming Marks goes wrong Yachting WAPerth 2011
Work out a system with the RO Stream the mark behind the mark laying boat. (let buoy out and hold the anchor) Get a GPS distance from start boat Start below the line by a fair distance Watch the RO’s hand signals or VHF instructions Start Lines Yachting WAPerth 2011
The Gate Most windward-leeward courses have a gate as the leeward mark ◦ Measure with Range Finder ◦ Therefore minimum width of a gate is seven boat lengths ◦ Most gates are set between 8 and 10 boat lengths ◦ The RO should advise on Gate length ◦ To start with most people put them to far apart! Yachting WAPerth 2011
Drop the first gate mark Then stream the 2 nd mark again starting well below the line Check the angle of the gate by compass Laying Gates Yachting WAPerth 2011
The 1 st mark must be allowed to settle and be accurate with rest of the course. Measure correct distance and calculate angle from 2 nd mark to 1 st mark by bearing Set the second mark high it is easier to drag downwind onto the bearing or transit. The gate must be square to the wind. Laying Gates Yachting WAPerth 2011
Marks should not be moved if sailors are on that leg of the course If marks are being moved only with confirmation and clear permission from the RO Changes in length or direction of a leg are required to be signalled to competitors details in the racing rules at the previous mark with sound signals and course change board If moving a mark check the leg is clear – all boats have rounded that Mark. Adjusting the Marks Yachting WAPerth 2011
Dragging the marks only works for very short distances. Accuracy very difficult to judge! Lifting and resetting is often the better option if you have time Sometimes marks can be leapfrogged which is useful SI make require a different colour Mark if changed (top Mark in particular) Carrying a spare set of ground tackle and “pick up” floats allows marks to be reset without having to lift any anchors! Adjusting the Marks Yachting WAPerth 2011
Signalling ◦ Shorten course ◦ General Recall ◦ Rule 42 switching On and Off ◦ Course changes in length or direction ◦ Abandoning racing ◦ Postponements ◦ Replacement mark ◦ Recording roundings ◦ Finishing boats ◦ Informing Black Flagged at Mark 1 ◦ Spotting / Calling the Start Line ◦ Good idea to learn each of the flags Other Jobs !!!!!!!!! Yachting WAPerth 2011
The next learning Task The three most important screens on your GPS GPS Yachting WAPerth 2011
Yachting WAPerth 2011
Yachting WAPerth 2011
Yachting WAPerth 2011
Any Questions ? Yachting WAPerth 2011