1 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Economic Growth Making Life Easier Social Issues This is Depressing Refining our Constitution
2 Monopolies, pools, and trusts were formed in the late 1800s in an attempt to decrease this
3 What is competition?
4 Low wages and a decline in working conditions led to the formation of these
5 What were labor unions?
6 During the late 1800s and early 1900s most U.S. immigrants came from here
7 What was Southern and Eastern Europe?
8 New factory jobs opening up and a decrease in the need for farm workers led to an increase in this trend
9 What is urbanization?
10 Farmers during the Populist Era complained of the rates being charged by these and wanted the US government to regulate them
11 What were railroads?
12 In order to reduce shipping time from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean the U.S. built this
13 What is the Panama Canal?
14 These were two major inventions of the late 1800s that revolutionized how we communicate over long distances
15 What were the telegraph and the telephone?
16 Household appliances of all types were invented after this became available
17 What is electricity?
18 Average life expectancy climbed dramatically in the U.S. when we started giving these to children
19 What are medical vaccinations?
20 The development of our interstate highway system in the 1950s led to a decrease in the use of these
21 What are trains?
22 She was an organizer and the first president of the National Women’s Suffrage Association
23 Who was Susan B. Anthony?
24 This was an expression used to describe a corrupt city government known for collecting graft and buying votes
25 What is a political machine?
26 These two immigrant groups faced serious discrimination and played large roles in building the transcontinental railroad
27 Who were the Chinese and the Irish?
28 This turn of the century civil rights advocate helped found the NAACP
29 Who was W.E.B. DuBois?
30 One Gilded Age problem that contributed to low wages and poor school attendance was the absence of any laws regulating this
31 What was “child labor?”
32 A decline in world trade, due to rising tariffs in the 1920s, is often cited as a major cause of this
33 What is the Great Depression?
34 Due to a sharp drop in the demand for and production of durable goods, this was one of the most widespread effects of the depression
35 What was unemployment?
36 The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was set up to stop these from continuing to occur during the Great Depression
37 What were bank failures?
38 This New Deal agency was set up to aid the elderly, the handicapped, mothers with dependent children, and the newly unemployed
39 What is the Social Security Administration?
40 While the stock market crash signaled the beginning of the Great Depression, this event clearly ended it
41 What was “the beginning of World War II?”
42 This Reconstruction Era amendment defined US citizenship and sought to insure equal rights
43 What is the 14th Amendment?
44 This power was given to the U.S. government by the 16 th Amendment
45 What is the power to collect income taxes?
46 This Progressive Era reform called for the direct election of U.S. Senators
47 What is the 17 th Amendment?
48 This gave women the right to vote in national elections
49 What was the 19 th Amendment?
50 The 26 th Amendment gave these people the right to vote
51 Who are 18 to 20 year-olds?