Biography Annie Leibovitz was born on the 2 nd October 1949 and she is an American portrait photographer. She took her first photographs when her family was stationed in the Philippines during the Vietnam war and has continued taking photographs since. Her photograph career in 1970 when she started to work for the Rolling Stones magazine and she later became the chief photographer in She had photographed the Rolling Stones in 1971 and 1972 and was the concert- tour photographer for the Rolling Stones of the Americans ’75. Then in 1978 she became the first person to photograph Joan Armatrading for an album “To the Limit”. In 1983 she started to work for an entertainment magazine called “Vanity Fair” and later on she started working on advertising campaigns. Since then she has been awarded The Royal Photographic Society’s Centenary Medal and Honorary Fellowship in She has later worked with companies like the BBC and The Walk Disney Company on different projects.
This is an portrait image by Annie Leibovitz. It is a Medium close up shot with the point of interest being the woman’s face with the white make up. There are leading lines towards the woman’s face which can be seen where her arm is going towards her face. The main colour scheme in this image is grey and white so there is a high contrast within this image due to those 2 colours. There is a use of ambient lighting in this image and there is a shallow depth of field in this image. The Mise en- sense In this images included the white shirt the woman is wearing that contrasts with the grey background, the white make-up which also fits into the colour scheme and contrasts with the background. The woman is centralised in this image and there is a fast shutter speed as you can see that the hair was moving around her head as the image as quickly taken.
This is a landscape photograph using a middle shot by Annie Leibovitz. The point of interest in this photo is his face and it is noticeable because his face is on one of the golden points as the rule of thirds has been used here and there are leading lines towards his face such as the swans neck and his right arm. The colour scheme in this image is black and white, the background is low contrast as they are similar greys however there is a high contrast between the deep black jumper and the bright white of the swan. The image is using natural lighting from the sun. There is also a shallow focus as the background is blurred making him and the swan more of a focus in the image. The shutter speed would be fast as the grass in the background appears to be blowing in the wind that would be present. The Mise en-scene in this image includes his costume as he is purposely wearing a deep black jumper so that it contrasts with the swan, there is also use of a prop which is the swan and this is used for the colour scheme and the high contrast. Also the setting Is important here as the background is not to distracting so it doesn’t take the main focus away from his face and the swan.
This is a landscape photograph made up of 2 portrait photos. Both photos are a close up shot of the woman's face as she pulls different expressions which is part of the mise en-scene which also included what she is wearing as in both photos she is wearing a white shirt which is part of the colour scheme and the high contrast. In both photos the point of interest is the woman’s face especially her mouth and you can tell this by the leading lines made up by different things such as her neck and nose. The colour scheme in this image is black and white and this creates a high contrast between the black background and the woman’s white skin. There is the use of ambient lighting in this image and there is also a shallow depth of field as the background is blurred, it is much ore noticeable on the image on the right, this makes the woman stand out more. The woman is centralised in both images and you can tell the image had a fast shutter speed by her hair.
This is a landscape image using a mid shot. The point of interest in this image is snow white due to the colours of her outfit which is part of the mise en- scene as well as the forest setting. The colours in her outfit stand out against the green and brown in the forest so there is a high contrast between her outfit and the surrounding area. There are leading lines towards snow white such as the tree trunks. Natural lighting is used here due to the outside location and there is a broad depth of field. The image uses the rule of thirds as snow white would be on the line on the right side with the top of her legs being on a golden point.
This is a landscape image using a long shot. The point of interest in this image would be person being king Arthur as there are leading lines towards him such as the cliff side. There colours in this image are mostly dark such as the dark blue in the sky and the dark green on the cliff side so there is a high contrast with the location and setting and king Arthurs cloak as it is bright red and this is also part of the mise en-scene as well as the sword. There is a use of natural lighting due to the outside setting and there is a broad depth of field. The image is using the rule of thirds as king Arthur is toward the right and would be on one of the lines and there would be a fast shutter speed to capture the cloak moving.