Every Student Succeeds Act Jan. 14, 2016 David W. Volkman Executive Deputy Secretary
2 ESSA Overview Every Student Succeeds Act What you know!!! On the 3 * 5 card at your seat, please write down one question you have regarding the implementation of ESSA in Pennsylvania.
3 ESSA Overview Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Background Issues Accountability Standards and Assessment School Intervention Educator Evaluation Next Steps
4 Background President Obama signed ESSA on Dec. 10, The ESSA was a bipartisan bill. ESSA replaces No Child Left Behind (NCLB). New framework goes into effect
5 Accountability Shifts the responsibility for the design and implementation of the accountability system to the state level. Specific goals are identified by states but must address proficiency on tests, English language proficiency, and graduation rates. Must address closing the achievement and graduation gaps for federally-defined subgroups. Must include an additional indicator that addresses a metric beyond standardized tests (i.e., school climate, postsecondary readiness, student engagement, etc.).
6 Standards and Assessment Assessments must be aligned to “challenging” academic standards. States must continue to assess students in English Language Arts and Math in grades 3-8 and in high school. Science must be assessed at least once during grades 3-5, 6-9, and Participation rate requirement of 95 percent remains. English language learners must be assessed in English language proficiency. Only 1 percent of special education students can be given alternate assessments.
7 School Intervention & Improvement The fixed, limited options for aiding low-performing schools under NCLB have ended. Under ESSA, states must define the accountability system. Intervention required for the lowest-performing 5 percent. States now define the interventions to help low-performing schools as part of their accountability systems.
8 Educator Evaluation ESSA removes federal oversight of how educators are evaluated. Provides Pennsylvania with flexibility in designing a system without need for a federal waiver. State-level requirements tying educator evaluation to student performance on standardized assessments still remain in Pennsylvania (Act 82). Opportunities for discussions with lawmakers and other stakeholders about modifications to the existing Act 82 of 2012.
9 Next Steps PDE is in the process reviewing ESSA’s details and determining a timeline to develop the state assessment plan. Opportunity to work with lawmakers and stakeholders to create a system that best serves Pennsylvania.
10 Principal’s Academy – Regional Principal’s Meeting (IU 18 & 19) Live at IU 18 but run as a webinar (Zoom Meeting) where participants can participate remotely from the computer or device of their choice. * Transgender Issues. February 16, 2016, 9:00 to 11:30 Webinar Format Principal Effectiveness – Day 1– Framework for Leadership and Correlation Data— new administrators, those new the framework and those looking for a refresher. Act 45 Available upon the completion of outside assignments. February 18, 8:30 to 3:30 Live workshop at IU 19 with remote locations at IUs 18 and 20 Principal Effectiveness – Day 2 – Principal SLO and the application of evaluation data -- new administrators, those new the framework and those looking for a refresher. Act 45 upon the completion of outside assignments. February 22, 8:30 to 3:30 Live workshop at IU 19 with remote locations at IUs 18 and 20 Special Effectiveness – Guidance Counselors -- Liv at IU 19 (counselors from 18 & 19 March 15, 2016 with times to TBD NEIU Date Saver: Regional Workshop Events
11 The mission of the department is to academically prepare children and adults to succeed as productive citizens. The department seeks to ensure that the technical support, resources and opportunities are in place for all students, whether children or adults, to receive a high quality education.