Multiply using partial products
Let’s Review In 3 rd Grade you would use base-ten blocks to multiply. Use blocks or quick pics to multiply: 234 x 3 = 702
Let’s Review Yesterday we learned how to multiply using the expanded form and the area model. 234 x = 702
I can multiply using partial products. 43 x 6 = ? Just like with the model, I multiply each place value by Try your own! 43 x x Then I add the partial products
Solve Try it Out!
What is the value of 2,861 and 4?
A multiplication problem is shown. Find the missing partial product. Ⓐ 3,400 Ⓑ 1,200 Ⓒ 340 Ⓓ 120 5,324 x 4 20,000 ,296