Inner Planets Write everything in yellow type.
Inner Solar System Orbit The Path of Orbit
The Sun The sun is the biggest, brightest, and hottest object in the solar system. The sun is the biggest, brightest, and hottest object in the solar system. The sun is an ordinary star. The sun is an ordinary star. The sun is made of about 70% hydrogen and 28% helium. The sun is made of about 70% hydrogen and 28% helium.
The Sun A sun-centered solar system is called heliocentric A sun-centered solar system is called heliocentric The planets orbit in an ellipse – an elongated circle The planets orbit in an ellipse – an elongated circle Sunspots are areas of gas that are cooler than surrounding gases Sunspots are areas of gas that are cooler than surrounding gases Solar flares are explosions of hydrogen gas Solar flares are explosions of hydrogen gas Nuclear fusion is what powers the sun Nuclear fusion is what powers the sun
Inner Planets Mercury Mercury Venus Venus Earth Earth Mars Mars Terrestrial planets Terrestrial planets made up of small rocks made up of small rocks smaller & denser than the other planets smaller & denser than the other planets
Mercury Mercury is solid and is covered with craters. Mercury is solid and is covered with craters. Mercury has almost no atmosphere. Mercury has almost no atmosphere. Mercury is the smallest planet. Mercury is the smallest planet. Mercury has no moons. Mercury has no moons. Has the shortest path (revolutuion) around the earth. Has the shortest path (revolutuion) around the earth to 427° C -173 to 427° C 70% metal, 30% silicates 70% metal, 30% silicates Mariner 10 & Messenger space probes Mariner 10 & Messenger space probes
Earth The Earth has one moon. The Earth has one moon. Atmosphere is primarily nitrogen & oxygen Atmosphere is primarily nitrogen & oxygen A.K.A. (Also Known As) the Goldilocks Planet, because everything is “Just Right” for life. A.K.A. (Also Known As) the Goldilocks Planet, because everything is “Just Right” for life. 12,756 km in diameter 12,756 km in diameter Average temp of 61°F or 16°C Average temp of 61°F or 16°C Composed of Iron & Nickel Composed of Iron & Nickel Liquid covers 71 percent of the Earth’s surface. Liquid covers 71 percent of the Earth’s surface.
Mars Mars looks red because it has iron oxide (rust) Has seasons because its axis is also tilted like the Earth. Has two moons. Mars has a thin atmosphere that contains mostly carbon dioxide. Mars is.107 x size of Earth Average temp is -86 to - 5°C 16 space probes
Moons of Mars PhobosDeimos