You know a chemical reaction takes place when… a g______ is produced. there is a change in c___________. h________ is given off or taken away can’t SolidsGasesLiquids cancan can’t can can’t MELTING - S__________ to a L____________ EVAPORATING - L_________ to a G_________ CONDENSING – G_______ to a L___________ FREEZING – L________ to a S__________ All materials are made up elements. They are listed in the P__________ table. Each element has a different symbol. H = _____________ C = ________________ O = ________________ N = _____________ Mg = _______________ Fe = _______________ Gas Tests H_____________Squeaky pop produced O_____________Relights a glowing splint C_____________ D_____________Turns limewater cloudy Separating Stuff D___________Used to separate liquids from solids so you can collect the liquid. C____________Used to separate solids from liquids F____________Used to separate solids from liquids A C____________ change is when you can not change it back. A P____________ change is when you can change it back. Frying an egg is a ____________ change Melting ice is a ______________ change Elements are made of tiny particles called a________ Each element has a different sort of atom. Everything is made out of them. If you chemically join atoms you make a c____________. These are usually different from the elements that made it. If you mix atoms you make a m______________. These can be easily separated. Air and s______ water are common mixtures SOLUTE (a solid) + SOLVENT (a liquid) = SOLUTION if you heat the solution you can dissolve more BUT eventually no more will dissolve this is called SATURATION
pH Scale Word Equations REACTANTS what you mix together PRODUCTS what you make R____________ make P ______________ when you mix a Metal with an acid you make H____________ when you mix a Metal Carbonate with an acid you make W_________ and C___________ D______________. when you mix a metal with O___________ you make a metal Oxide You have to have O___________ for things to burn Pollution is caused by harmful gases such as C_________ Dioxide or Sulphur Dioxide. This can cause acid r_________ and global w_____________. G__________ Warming is when the gases stop heat leaving the e________ which means it gets w___________. Burning less fossil fuels may help Strong acid Weak acid Strong alkali NeutralWeak alkali tells you if something is an a______ or an a_________. You can use Universal Indicator to tell you what it is. Hydrochloric and Nitric acid are common acids. Sodium Hydroxide is a common alkali. If you mix an acid and an alkali they form a n__________ solution. This has many uses Acid Indigestion taking an alkali neutralises some of the extra acid. Bee Stings Wasp Stings Potassium S_________ Calcium Magnesium A___________ Zinc I_________ Tin L________ Copper Silver G__________ Non reactive metals are very useful e.g. G______ for jewellery. The more r___________ the m_______ the less useful they are. Only non reactive metals stay shiny. R_______ is formed when Iron reacts with O__________ to make Iron Oxide which is R_____. More Reactive metals can bully less reactive metals. Iron can bully C__________ Sulphate to make Iron Sulphate and Copper. This is useful to get (extract) pure metals. Rocks S_______________ made from broken rocks that have been squashed together. They have layers and are crumbly. May have fossils in. M_______________ made from sedimentary rocks that have been squashed by heat and pressure. Have crystals in layers and are hard. I________________ made from volcanic eruptions. Have large crystals if they cool s___________ and small crystals if they cool quickly. All rocks w____________ (worn away) Chemically by a________ rain or P_________ by the weather. This weathering then breaks rocks up and they can then form new ones. This is called the R_________ Cycle. M_____ reactive L_______ reactive