Iron (Ferrum) By Luke Nichols
Mankind’s first use of Fe was from meteorites, and it dates back to prehistoric time Cast Iron first produced in China (550 BC), then in Europe in Medieval period Ideas spread from West Asia and people discovered that Iron made better weapons Blacksmiths learned how to heat up the Iron ore to make it soft and malleable- they hammered the glowing Iron into weapons Main use for Iron in ancient times was for sturdy weaponry Mankind’s first use of Fe was from meteorites, and it dates back to prehistoric time Cast Iron first produced in China (550 BC), then in Europe in Medieval period Ideas spread from West Asia and people discovered that Iron made better weapons Blacksmiths learned how to heat up the Iron ore to make it soft and malleable- they hammered the glowing Iron into weapons Main use for Iron in ancient times was for sturdy weaponry
Atomic Number:26 Type of Element:Transition Metal Appearance:Lustrous metallic w/ grey tinge Standard Atomic Weight: g mol -1 Electron Configuration:[Ar] 4s 2 3d 6 Melting Point: 1538 C (2800 F)
Fourth most common element in Earth’s crust Abundance estimated to be around 5% Largest Iron resources around the world: China, Russia, India, Australia, Brazil, and Canada Extracting pure Iron from Iron Ore: Iron is heated in a blast furnace w/ limestone and coke* Coke reacts w/ the iron oxide to create pure iron Limestone reacts w/ impurities to make a slag which can be easily extracted At this point, the Iron is 90% pure- it is known as Pig Iron Can be further treated to be converted to: Wrought Iron, Cast Iron, or Steel *Coke= A solid fuel made by heating coal in the absence of air Fourth most common element in Earth’s crust Abundance estimated to be around 5% Largest Iron resources around the world: China, Russia, India, Australia, Brazil, and Canada Extracting pure Iron from Iron Ore: Iron is heated in a blast furnace w/ limestone and coke* Coke reacts w/ the iron oxide to create pure iron Limestone reacts w/ impurities to make a slag which can be easily extracted At this point, the Iron is 90% pure- it is known as Pig Iron Can be further treated to be converted to: Wrought Iron, Cast Iron, or Steel *Coke= A solid fuel made by heating coal in the absence of air
Uses of Iron in the past: 1200 B.C.: Used for tools, ornaments, weapons, armor, and other objects- Known as the “Iron Age” 1900 A.D.: Method developed to turn Iron into steel, a much more durable metal- Used greatly in city building projects, building skyscrapers, locomotives, steam boats, etc. Uses of Iron in Present Day: Automobiles Construction Packaging, shipping Machinery/ Industrial equipment Rail transportation Electrical equipment Potential uses in the Future: Iron’s uses seem limitless- it is widely used in a huge variety of instances Mankind will most likely use Iron forever b/c of its naturally industrious qualities Uses of Iron in the past: 1200 B.C.: Used for tools, ornaments, weapons, armor, and other objects- Known as the “Iron Age” 1900 A.D.: Method developed to turn Iron into steel, a much more durable metal- Used greatly in city building projects, building skyscrapers, locomotives, steam boats, etc. Uses of Iron in Present Day: Automobiles Construction Packaging, shipping Machinery/ Industrial equipment Rail transportation Electrical equipment Potential uses in the Future: Iron’s uses seem limitless- it is widely used in a huge variety of instances Mankind will most likely use Iron forever b/c of its naturally industrious qualities
Electron Configuration: 2, 8, 14, 2