law sin death Romans 8:1-4 No condemnation for those in Christ
The Gospel is the power of God for salvation 1:16 To Spain 15:24 P P P
Romans 8:1-4 No condemnation for those in Christ The Gospel is the power of God for salvation 1:16 All have sinned 3:23 & face God’s wrath 2:5 Jesus is both redemption & propitiation 3:24+25 The future is secure, eternal life 6:23 Today.. Adam us Jesus
Believers are not under condemnation v1 Jesus died, we died They won We won
Believers are not under condemnation v1 Jesus died – we died: To sin 6:7+8, To law 7:4 Dead to the penalty of sin 6:23 Dead to the power of sin 6:19
Believers are not under condemnation because the Spirit of life has set us free from sin & death v2 We now live under the law, power of the Spirit He brings us assurance that we belong to Jesus He enables us to live for Jesus today
Believers are not under condemnation because Jesus has met the law’s demands v3+4 Jesus was fully human but sinless: He kept the law He died according to the law as our sacrifice The penalty of sin was paid, The power of sin was broken
+ + = = me Jesus Life
+ + = = Jesus me Life
Believers are not under condemnation because Jesus has met the law’s demands v3+4 We are to live out our status in Christ Unlike.. Lord Sewell Chair of privileges & conduct committee
Believers are not under condemnation because Jesus has met the law’s demands v3+4 We are to live out our status in Christ Reminding ourselves of what Jesus has done Looking to Jesus to help us
Romans 8:1-4 No condemnation for those in Christ Believers are not under condemnation v1 Believers are not under condemnation because the Spirit of life has set us free from sin & death v2 Believers are not under condemnation because Jesus has met the law’s demands v3+4