Week 13 Quick Start 8 th grade
English traditions of freedom, embodied in the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights, were carried to the United States when the country was settled. One such right, known as _______ ___________, gave them the right to be charged with a specific crime before being held in prison.
This guy published Two Treatises of Government in 1690; much of his political thought became part of our Constitution. Who was he?
This French Enlightenment thinker stressed the rule of law and the division of governmental powers in his book The Spirit of the Laws (1748), influencing the framers of the Constitution. Who was he?
These three guys wrote a series of essays in support of the new Constitution. Who were they, what were people who shared their opinion called, and what were the essays called?
Perhaps chief among the Anti-Federalists, this Virginia representative argued that the new Constitution went too far. Who was he and what were his two primary arguments?