By : Alejandro Siles 3ºA
My first step will be to go from Zaragoza to Madrid (Barajas) by bus.
Monday, 21 st March Company: Alsa Departure time: 00:35 Zaragoza Bus station (Delicias) Arrival time: 04:05 Madrid (T-4 Barajas) Price: 22,30€ I must be there 30 minutes earlier due to security processes.
My next step will be to go from Madrid, to Bogotá. Doing this, I will visit South America, my second continent.
Monday, 21 March 2016 Company: Avianca Departure time: 8:05 (T4, Barajas Airport, Madrid) Arrival time: 12:12 (Bogotá, Colombia) Price: 368€ I must be there 2 hours earlier due to security processes.
After that, I will leave Colombia to go to Los Angeles to tick North America in my list of visited continents. 3 done, 3 more continents to go!!!
Monday, 21 st march 2016 Company: Avianca Departure time: 14:40 (Bogotá, Colombia) Arrival time: 20:20 (LAX) Price: 568€ I must be there 2 hours earlier due to security processes.
Now, I will take a flight to Tokyo, Japan, to continue with my trip. As im going towards the west, a day is added because of how the time zones work.
Tuesday, 23 nd march 2016 Company: Air China Departure time: 1:40 (Los Angeles) Arrival time: 12:50 (Haneda Airport, Tokyo) Price: 902€ I must be there 2 hours earlier due to security processes.
Then, Sydney, Australia will be my next stop. Its not the capial city, but it is bigger and more populated than Canberra, the Capital of the city.
Wednesday 24 rd March 2016 Company: Qantas Airways Departure time: 22:00 (Haneda Airport, Tokyo) Arrival time: 9:35 (Sydney Airport) Price: 444€ I must be there 2 hours earlier due to security processes.
After, Johannesburg will be my second to last stop, I will spend 15 hours on the plane. This will complete all the continents to visit, now, I only need to get back home.
Wednesday 25 rd March 2016 Company: Qantas Airways Departure time: 11:35 (Sydney Airport) Arrival time: 16:35 (Johannesburg Airport) Price: 1151€ I must be there 2 hours earlier due to security processes.
Then, I will take my last flight will be going back to Madrid. The flight will be 25 hours long, it is a long last flight.
Wednesday 25 rd March 2016 Company: Emirates Departure time: 19:05 (Johannesburg) Arrival time: 19:30 (Madrid) Price: 417€ I must be there 2 hours earlier due to security processes.
Back home to Zaragoza by bus on a 3 hour trip. This is the end of my travel around the world…
Thursday, 26 rd March 2016 Company: Alsa Departure time: 21:00 (Barajas Airport, T4) Arrival time: 01:00 (Delicias Station, Zaragoza) Price: 16,64€ I must be there 30 minutes earlier due to security processes
I have spent 3.888,94 € in total. It took me 4 days and 25 minutes to do it. I have travelled along all the continents in less than a week. The travel was amazing!!!!
The End