Federal government cut interest rates through most of 2008 Why? How would that help? ◦ Encourage more buying and allow people to pay back more debt Relief, recovery or reform?
February 2008 signed into law by President Bush ◦ Majority of Democrats and minority of Republicans approved it Cost: About$152 billion Gave tax rebate checks of about $600 per person Goal was to get people to spend more money to stimulate economy Relief, recovery or reform?
Law signed by Bush in October 2008 set aside $700 billion to bail out failing industries ◦ General Motors (automotive industry) ◦ Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (mortgage insurers) ◦ Banks Why? ◦ “too big to fail” Money was loans, and most have been paid back Controversy and criticism ◦ Some took Social Darwinism approach (only strong survive… these companies failed, so let them) ◦ Top executives at some of these companies were paid large bonuses Relief, recovery or reform?
Signed into law by Obama in February 2009 ◦ Mostly a Democrat-sponsored bill; No House Republicans and only three Senate Republicans voted for it Cost: $787 billion (about $500 billion in government spending, the rest in tax cuts)
Things included in The Stimulus: ◦ Income-tax cut for everyone ($400 per year) ◦ Cash-for-clunkers (program giving rebates of up to $4,500 for those trading gas guzzling cars for more fuel-efficient ones) ◦ First-time homebuyer tax credit of $8,000 ◦ $86 billion for Medicaid (health care for poor)
Tighter restrictions on banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies (more government control) Tighter restrictions on who qualifies for loans (more government control) Relief, recovery or reform?
“No” arguments ◦ Unemployment rate … well, actually it’s 5.6 % now ◦ Economy is still not back to what it was before the recession ◦ A lot of government money spent, and government given more control “Yes” arguments ◦ Recession technically ended in 2009 ◦ Most of bailout money has been paid back and there is some evidence that stimulus did create jobs ◦ There has been no Great Depression, part 2