Everyone is entitled to an assessment of their NEEDS under the NHS & Community Care Act The assessment will take into account, social, physical, environmental. equipment, health, medicines, carers – you may be asked to contribute information Carers are entitled for an assessment in their own right for all clients who meet social care eligibility criteria. We have a duty to support carers, this can be practical or with breaks. Safe Guarding of Adults plays a large part of our assessments
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The eligibility criteria is defined within National Fair Access to Care (FACS) Guidance The aim of this guidance was to stop postcode lottery the criteria is in 4 stages:- Critical Substantial Moderate Low Local Authority Councils can set their own levels of where they provide services – Luton and surrounding areas = Critical and substantial For people falling into moderate and low we have to assess and provide advice and information – we do not provide services - handout
FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT Social care services are subject to financial assessment People may be asked to pay as a guide the amount taken into account per person is £22,250.- This is Government set and charges each year (Self funders) Self funders are entitled to assessment advice and information Clients will be given benefits advice and offered financial assessment by a specialist finance team Some client needs are eligible for health funding – Continuing Health care/ Rehabilitation. Funding can be a combination of client/LA and /or health Direct payments/individual budgets
MENTAL CAPACITY ACT/ DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY Social care has always worked with clients and respected their wishes - can cause conflict The Mental Capacity Act has made this element much more robust:- The ability to make decisions can be item specific A mental capacity assessment must be carried out for all decisions when we think clients do not have capacity. We must make sure there is someone working for their best interests or refer for an IMCA – any professional with training DOL comes into force April 1 st 2009 and again will impact on assessments and care
SERVICES :- Homecare –dementia, Enablement – therapy and care Occupational therapy – adaptations and equipment Assistive technology Meals Day opportunities Respite/short stay - rehab beds Extracare housing SPOC – emergency response 24 hr care – RH/ NH/EMI
. WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP Health, primary and secondary Independent sector Voluntary sector Families/ informal carers Police Leisure/Education ANY QUESTIONS ?