Transforming Dementia Support and Services David Behan, Director General Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships Tuesday 6 th October
Transforming Dementia Support and Services The context Currently 570,000 people with dementia in England (700,000 in UK) Numbers likely to double in the next 30 years Cost currently is £17 billion Costs likely to treble to more than £50 billion NDS published 3 Feb 2009
Transforming Dementia Support and Services Key themes Raising awareness and understanding Early diagnosis and support Improving the quality of care
Transforming Dementia Support and Services Funding Initial £150 million over 2 years –£60m –£90m
Transforming Dementia Support and Services NDS Implementation Plan Initial priorities for implementation National support Regional support Baseline review
Transforming Dementia Support and Services National and Regional Support Ministerial commitment and priority National team in Department of Health to coordinate implementation Deputy Regional Directors of Social Care lead in regions –Dementia leads in each region to support implementation by PCTs & LAs
Transforming Dementia Support and Services Initial priorities for implementation Good-quality early diagnosis and intervention for all; Improved community personal support services; Implementing the Carers’ Strategy; Improved quality of care for people with dementia in general hospitals; Living well with dementia in care homes; An informed and effective workforce for people with dementia; and A joint commissioning strategy for dementia.
Transforming Dementia Support and Services Progress so far Implementation Plan Dementia Portal Joint- Commissioning Guidance Research Summit Demonstrator sites Governance arrangements Reference Group Pan regional event
Transforming Dementia Support and Services Objective 14: A joint commissioning strategy for dementia “Local commissioning and planning mechanisms to be established to determine the services needed for people with dementia and their carers, and how best to meet these needs. These should be informed by World Class Commissioning guidance developed to support the Strategy”
Transforming Dementia Support and Services Commissioning World Class Commissioning and Putting People First - combined force for change Commissioning should be leading the transformation of dementia services Commissioners can orchestrate the whole spectrum of health and social care services that people need
Transforming Dementia Support and Services Commissioning Central to success of implementing the Strategy World Class Commissioning for dementia developed as part of the Strategy Joint Commissioning Framework for Dementia published on 15 June. A best practice guidance for commissioning services Support to local commissioners provided by the Regional implementation programmes Committed to support joint commissioning for dementia
Transforming Dementia Support and Services Government levers Departmental Strategic Objectives The NHS Operating Framework The World Class Commissioning strategy The QOF, PbR Care Quality Commission Vital signs National indicators for NHS and social care
Transforming Dementia Support and Services Conclusion We are making good progress on implementation Structures in place to deliver Priority indicated from the centre (Government, the Social Care Directorate, all party support, Public Accounts Committee, National Audit Office) National and regional support Joint Commissioning is key to successful implementation
David Behan, Director General Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships Thank you