Travel or Conference Training Sponsored by Classified Senate
Authorization Process Before you travel: T or C is initiated by person requesting to travel Approved/signed by supervisor/division dean Approved/signed by vice president Vice President of Instruction’s Office They keep the original and send the yellow copy back to the person traveling to submit once they return from their trip. Out-of-State travel must be authorized by the president and the chancellor Written permission for out-of-state travel is required on some grants Submit your T or C request as soon as you know you are traveling because this can be a lengthy process
The T or C package should include: Blue “FCC Travel Request Explanation” form Yellow “Conditions for Requested Travel” form for Classified Employees Approved “Travel and Conference” form Copy of the conference brochure or other documentation Copy of the budget printout unless no reimbursement will be requested
Blue “FCC Travel Request Explanation” Form Why we have to do this form: Needed for accurate State reporting Hotel Tax Waiver and airfare reminders
Yellow “Conditions for Requested Travel” Form This form is required for all classified employees.
Travel or Conference Form Complete the top section of the form The reimbursement will be mailed to the address listed on the form. The budget number must be filled in The maximum allowed represents the total amount being authorized for the travel. This includes advance payments for airfare and hotel. If you spend more than the maximum allowed you will not be reimbursed the excess amount.
Estimated Costs Fill in the estimated costs of the travel Include the cost of airfare, car rentals, taxis, etc. This provides your supervisor with a reasonable projection of the cost of the travel. This also helps to eliminate confusion later when you ask for reimbursement for an item that was not originally part of the travel request.
Advances The district office can prepay the conference registration, hotel and airfare (the travel procedures for airfare are on the district intranet under Accounts Payable). The requisition must state “Pay in Advance”. You will need to include the rate, tax % (if tax waiver is not accepted) and the confirmation number. Attach an approved copy of the T or C form behind the requisitions. Make sure to submit the requisitions for prepayments well in advance. Hotels normally need the check two weeks prior to your stay to process the payment through their system. You need to fill in these prepaid items under the “advance” column on the Travel or Conference form. The requisition or purchase order number needs to be filled in on the T or C form.
Travel Agency Utilization Located on the district intranet under Accounts Payable Work with Sophia Hernandez Garza to get airfare authorized Mark Lewis Travel is no longer a vendor on the state contract list for airfare
Reimbursements Must be submitted within 10 (ten) days Itemize all expenses to be reimbursed in the Expense Detail section of the T or C form Fill in the departed and return times (including am/pm) Attach a copy of the general ledger report Include a copy of the conference brochure or agenda (this is used to determine if any meals were provided as part of the conference) Hotel receipts must show a zero balance and show the method of payment Attach the hotel amenities sheet
Reimbursements Attach original receipts Ensures we are the only one reimbursing Must show method of payment on original receipt. If paid by check it must show the check #. Cannot claim as a deduction on taxes If original receipt was not given, or did not include payment method/detail, a copy of the front and back of the cancelled check or a copy of the credit card statement is required
Reimbursements Valet parking is only allowed under special circumstances. You must include a justification signed off by your supervisor. If the travel is for a one-day meeting you must provide an invitation or request to attend the meeting. It is your responsibility to cancel all travel arrangements if you cannot attend. This includes getting refunds for all advanced items paid by the district. If you do not cancel in time you may be responsible to reimburse the district for the advances. If claiming reimbursement for bridge tolls and no receipt was given you can attach a map quest indicating a toll bridge on the route
Mileage Reimbursement Map quest printout need to verify mileage reimbursement Rate is.50 cents per mile (or grant/contract amount) Based on IRS rate and may change in January 2011 Map quest printout needed for mileage
Meal Reimbursements Meal Guidelines Trip of less than 24 hours Breakfast $7.00: trip begins at or before 6am and ends after 9am Lunch $9.00: trip begins at or before 11am and ends after 2pm Dinner $19.00: trip begins at or before 4pm and ends after 7pm Trip of 24 hours or more Breakfast $7.00: trip begins at or before 6am and ends after 8am Lunch $9.00: trip begins at or after 11am and ends after 2pm Dinner $19.00: trip begins at or after 5pm and ends after 7pm Reimbursement for meals is not permitted for travel within the district, including local conferences. Meals can not be claimed if they are provided by the hotel or are included at the conference or by the airline. Original receipts for meals must be included for all meals purchased during travel under categorical funding. If the meal receipt has multiple people on it write your name next to the items that were yours Grants must adhere to their travel guidelines
Obtain from Hotel web site
Final Steps Total the reimbursement amounts for each day Add up the total amount being requested for reimbursement and put it in the total expense box Do not include items that have been prepaid by the district Sign in the bottom section certifying that the amounts claimed and times departed/returned are correct Route through the normal signature approval process for reimbursement
Summary Plan ahead Attach original receipts, copies of cancelled checks or credit card statements Include hotel amenities sheets Include Map Quest printout for mileage Provide a copy of conference brochure Attach a short explanation on anything that is not clear or is out of the ordinary (example; shared a taxi, shared a meal, etc) Do not wait to the end of the year to submit your reimbursement If you will be gone for the summer, leave a valid contact number where you can be reached if questions come up