Healthwatch York Annual Meeting Tuesday 28 th July 2015
John Clark Chair, Healthwatch York
Housekeeping Siân Balsom Manager, Healthwatch York
Introductions Staff team Leadership group Volunteers Partner organisations Who’s who?
Looking at local services What have we been working on? Discharge from hospital Mental health services Care homes A & E and alternatives Wheelchair services Access to GP services
Looking at local services Wheelchair services
Looking at local services A & E and alternatives Nick Redding University of York Placement postgraduate student
Looking at local services Visiting care homes Working in partnership with City of York Council Sheila Jackson
Looking at local services Visiting care homes
Visits to Care Homes Partnership working with City of York Council The impacts Healthwatch AGM – 28 th July 2015 Sally Dixey and Anne Hizzett
Healthwatch volunteers: Have visited 26 Care homes in the past 17 months Enabled an additional 130 residents of Care homes to “have a say” about their care and support Given residents access to a range of people to talk to Brought new and different perspectives to our work Enabled us to carry out consultation which is more representative of each home
Out joint working has Challenged and improved the way we do things - for instance: The questionnaire we use The quality of the interviews we can carry out The reports we produce for each visit
We would like to say thank you for: The positive and constructive relationship we have with the Healthwatch team and volunteers For sharing your resources and expertise with us For helping to make the consultation programme stronger, more representative and something Healthwatch and City of York Council can be proud of. For giving Care home residents a voice
Helping people get what they need from health and social care services Healthwatch York Community Champions
Lidgett Grove Community Cafe
Quote: Yesterday I spoke about Healthwatch -York, agreeing to fund our group, Minds and Voices, if we worked with them to improve the services for people with dementia in York. Well last Monday was our first meeting. The meeting was specifically for people with dementia to attend ( marvellous! ) 14 of us attended the meeting to discuss services in York – magic! Siân Balsom who works for Healthwatch felt that loads of issues weren’t picked up so they decided to listen to our experiences so people who deliver services would then in turn hear our voice. They’re here to listen to us - yeh! / Putting you at the heart of health and social care
Healthwatch York Community Champions NELLI – New Earswick Less Loneliness Initiative
Tea/coffee break
Finding out about peoples’ experiences
How has Healthwatch York made a difference?
Why? I I can’t find the support I need… where do I go? If only I had known about… years ago What choices do I have? I am a carer and unsure of how to navigate the system I am on a waiting list but need help now How can I look after myself better? I am desperate! What should I do?
How it works Printed booklet and online version Fast finding list Local and national
Letting people know Radio York and Minster FM The Press Your Local Link Social media NHS England The Kings Fund bulletin Healthwatch England
Healthwatch York Mental Health and Wellbeing Guide – the Future Welcoming feedback Update on a regular basis Alterations to reflect local needs and changes Funding Healthwatch York website
How has Healthwatch York made a difference? “A great resource that I hope will improve access to support and early intervention” Mental health professional “Exactly what we needed when my son was having serious mental health problems” Parent of 17 year old “The mental health guide is excellent. I’d like it to be available to staff as well as students” Counsellor at York College “We are most impressed with your guide and would like to emulate it” Healthwatch County Durham
How has Healthwatch York made a difference? Making a difference through volunteering Jonathan Talking to Louise & John about new Mental Health guide for #York.#York @healthwatchyork
Access to Health and Social Care Services for Deaf People in York Marije Davidson York Independent Living Network 28 July 2015 How has Healthwatch York made a difference?
We are a disabled people-led organisation in York Enabling and empowering disabled people to: have our voices heard influence the services we receive get the most out of life.
Access to Health and Adult Social Care for Deaf People in York Focus group Response from NHS and GPs Recommendations Report to Older People and People with Long Term Conditions Partnership Board York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Action Plan and Equality Delivery Plan 2 City of York Council One Year On York Fairness and Equalities Board
Healthwatch York Annual Report
How we spent our money 2014/15
How we receive our funding Department of Health Other sources (future) City of York Council Donations Healthwatch York
Comments Feedback Questions ?
Future plans Our workplan 2015/16: A & E and alternatives Access to GP services Dementia – Joseph Rowntree Foundation Income generation
Enjoy your lunch Don’t forget to visit the stands!
This afternoon’s workshop Access to GP services We want your feedback on: Making appointments and opening hours Impact of practice mergers and federations Examples of good practice Barriers to accessing services
Healthwatch York Thanks for coming! Please tell us how we did