LONDON BOROUGH OF MERTON: LOCAL INVOLVEMENT NETWORK (LINk) PUBLIC MEETING 8 February 2008 Richard Poxton Centre for Public Scrutiny National Team
MAIN AIM OF THE LOCAL INVOLVEMENT NETWORK To enable local people (individuals, organisations and groups) to influence the planning, commissioning and delivery of health and social care services so as to obtain better outcomes.
BACKGROUND ‘Our Health, Our Care, Our Say’ (White Paper, January 2006): more choice and a louder voice. ‘A Stronger Local Voice’ (DH, July 2006): existing Patient and Public Involvement Forums (PPIFs) to be replaced by Local Involvement Networks (LINks): a wide network of voluntary and community groups and interested individuals who will represent the views of patients and the public. Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007
DUTIES AND… promoting and supporting the involvement of people in the commissioning, provision and scrutiny of local health and social care services; obtaining peoples views about their needs for, and experiences of, local care services and making these views known to those responsible for commissioning, providing, managing or scrutinising those services; making reports and recommendations about how local care services could be improved, to those responsible for commissioning, providing, managing or scrutinising those services.
…POWERS enter specified types of premises and view the services provided as well as collecting the views and experiences of recipients of services; request information and receive a response within a specified timescale; make reports and recommendations and receive a response within a specified timescale; refer matters to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) and receive a response.
HOW LINks WILL OPERATE For local determination A Network not an Organisation Participants and Members Working with existing networks and groups Reaching to all parts of the local population Consider the need for locality or issue focussed sub- groups, and whether to work with neighbouring LINks Complement the work of the OSC(s)
SUPPORT – ROLE OF THE HOST ORGANISATION Funding provided to Local Authorities to procure a ‘host’ organisation to support the LINk. ‘Host’ role will be to enable, support and facilitate the LINk in all its activities: up to 3 year contract. Host is likely to be a local voluntary sector or not for profit organisation with no potential for conflict of interests. Host is accountable both to the LINk for work undertaken and the Council for contract management.
MAIN ROLES OF HOST Undertake the establishment of the LINk Facilitate how the LINk will run its own affairs, including determining priorities Hold the finances Ensure correspondence, communication and record keeping Arrange training including for authorised representation purposes Provide support in developing local partnerships Provide general advice and support
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF A HOST ORGANISATION Experience / expertise in similar support function Local knowledge and experience, including networks, partnerships, etc. Experience of community engagement Able to manage any conflict of interest Commitment to equal opportunities in practice Able to adapt as the LINk develops
TIMETABLE August 2007DoH Guidance October 2007Royal Assent to Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act December 2007 End of consultation on Draft Regulations Nov 2007– March 2008 Procurement process for Host organisation 1 April 2008LINks established / transition arrangements until Host in place April – May 2008 Contract Award to winning Host tenderer