Planning and Coordination in Environmental Governance: Indonesian Way of Undoing Thing Laode M. Syarif, Ph.D Hasanuddin University Makassar - Indonesia
Nature of environment Crosscutting Borderless Multi stakeholders Interdependent, etc... Planning and Coordination is the Answer ?
PLANNING and Environmental Act with strong Emphasis on COORDINATION and Integration in various countries
What the Law Says Forestry Act 1999 Water Resources Act 2004 Environmental Management Act 2009 Climate Change related legislation
Forestry Act 1999 Forestry PLANNING shall be done in transparent, responsible, participative, interconnected and shall consider specific condition and regional aspiration” The Police and the Department of Forestry shall have COORDINATION in criminal investigation in forestry sector.
Water Resources Act 2004 “Water resource management shall be done through COORDINATION by integrating the need of several sectors, regions/areas, and all stake holders” (Article 85) “COORDINATION shall be done at national, provincial, and local level” (Article 87)
Environmental Management Act 2009 Specific Chapter on “PLANNING” (Articles 5 to11). Protection and Management of Environmental PLANNING at National, Provincial and Local Level.
Environmental Management Act 2009 Word “COORDINATION” mentioned 16 times. Coordination shall be done in the following aspects: –Establishment of eco-region –Environmental information system –Pollution and environmental damage control –Dispute settlement between regions –Development of environmentally sound technology –Enforcement of environmental law The Minister of Environment shall take responsibility in COORDINATING all relevant government institutions and other stakeholders
Government Institutions Involved in Water Management Public Work Agriculture Forestry Health Home Affairs Environment Transportation Education Fishery and Marine affairs Trade and Industry State Own Enterprise Mining and Energy Provincial Government Local Government, and Other specific water bodies Each of them has their own agenda, program and budget
National Water Council Structure Coordinator Minister of Economy 17 Ministries 3 State Agencies (Meteorology, Indonesian Science Institute, & Representatives of Provincial and Local Government 22 Representatives of Private Sectors and Civil Society Organisations Minister of Public Work
In order to COORDINATE the implementation climate change management and to strengthen Indonesian position at international forum, the Government Establish National Council on Climate Change (Article 2) Presidential Regulation No 46/2008 on NCCC TASK of NCCC: Formulating national policy on Climate Change Coordinating activities in the area of adaptation, mitigation, technology transfer and funding Formulating national policy on carbon trading Strengthening Indonesian position to force/persuade developed nation to take responsibility on Climate Change
Structure of NCCC President (Head) Coordinator Minister of People Welfare (Deputy) Coordinator Minister of Economy (Deputy) 17 Ministries and 1 State Agency 6 Working Groups: Adaptation Mitigation Technology Transfer Financing Post-Kyoto 2012 Forestry and Land Conversion Sub-national Government, Private Sectors, and CSOs have NO Representative Mr. Rachmat Witoelar (Executive Director)
Enforcement of environmental law Police, Ministry of Environment, Department of Forestry, Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, Department of Industry, Department of Mining, Provincial and Local Government, Attorney General Office, Etc.. Who is going to take the initiative? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT ???
Australian Experiment Department of Environment, Heritage & Art: Environment protection and conservation of biodiversity Air quality National fuel quality standards Land contamination Meteorology Administration of the Australian Antarctic Territory, and the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands Natural, built and movable cultural heritage Environmental research Water policy and resources Cultural affairs, including support for the arts Ionospheric prediction Renewable energy programs Energy efficiency Greenhouse gas abatement programs Community and household climate action Department of Climate Change and Water: coordination of Australia's climate change policies. Mitigation, through reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions, including the design and implementation of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Adaptation to the unavoidable impacts of climate change Helping to shape a global solution.
Way out ? COORDINATOR Agency should have: STRONG legal and political backup Budget POWER Clear mandate and portfolio
COORDINATION and SYNCHRONISATION must start at the DESIGNING STAGE of the Law and Policy
Thank you Xie-Xie 18