THE US-KOR ALLIANCE Hoon Lee Prof. Jaechun Kim International Security and Peace
The Question How would you explain the sustenance of ROK-US security alliance even after the demise of Cold War international order that brought about the alliance in the first place?
Key Elements 1. North Korea, and denuclearization 2. Economic interdependence between the USA and ROK 3. The shift of center of gravity towards Asia 4. Energy consumption
Introduction Common values democracy, market economy, rule of law and human rights History Korean War ROK Traits American Presence, as well as well trained military, missile project capabilities, naval potential, high-alert military Strongest Ally in relation to the other 4 bilateral treaty alliances with the USA Japan, Australia, Thailand and Phillipines
North Korea & Nonproliferation South Korean stance in nonproliferation USA and ROK against nuclearized North The Unification of the North and South Political Influence over the north
Economic Interdependence KOR-US Free Trade Agreement ROK is US’s seventh largest trading partner USA is Korea’s second largest Market Implication of this FTA in terms of their alliance Close consultative partnership rather than just military one
Center of Gravity Shift of center of gravity towards Asia Population, economies, energy consumption, military USA can have some influence over other nation’s through South Korea China Japan India
Energy Consumption Energy consumption has increased dramatically in Asia Greenhouse emissions Six of the Ten world’s largest consumers of energy are in Asia Moving from Carbon-based Energy to Clean-Nuclear Energy China
Conclusion 1. North Korea, and denuclearization Denuclearized North Korea Unification of the Korean Peninsula 2. Economic interdependence between the USA and ROK USA KOREA Free Trade Agreement 3. The shift of center of gravity towards Asia China, Japan and India 4. Energy consumption Greenhouse Emissions and clean/efficient Energy Use