Writing Messages
User Name Good vs. Bad How do you want to be viewed Informed (educated) vs Uninformed (uneducated) What ideas are conveyed by your user name What judgments will people make Who will you be communicating using Friends, Family, employers, other employees, business
Meaningful Subject line Choices made on s received Open Forward File Trash Encourage recipients to open, read and react
Subject Line Good vs. Bad Should be on the topic of ex. Marketing Position Ex. Homework assignment
Keep Message Focused Stick to one or two main ideas Multiple ideas split into multiple messages Use standard grammar and spelling “thx 4 ur help 2day ur gr8″ do u want ur prof r ur boss 2 think u cant spl? LOL
Keep Message focused continued Skip lines between paragraphs Separate ideas logically Avoid fancy type face readers are different and format meaning may be interpreted differently Use standard capitalization All caps may come across as shouting and no caps invoked image of being lazy
Avoid Attachments Virus are often distributed by attachments Copy and paste important documents in body of message Will the file be viewed on portable device Include if recipient needs file and is expecting attachment such as when sending resumes to prospective employers
Sending an CC = Carbon Copy – send a copy to another person in addition to the recipient. The recipient can view who you are sending copies to. BC = Blind Carbon Copy - send a copy to another person in addition to the recipient. The recipient can NOT view who you are sending copies to. Reply = respond to a recipient who sent you a Reply to all = respond to all of the recipient who may be included on a group Forward = send an original message that was sent to a recipient or received by you that you now want to share with a new recipient.
Be Nice Tone of the message important Don’t write message when angry Walk away and compose message later Reread message twice before sending Sometimes good idea to have a friend review before send
Proofread Use a spell checker always Spell check can always find mistakes (from vs. form) Important message boss or job or application Show a draft to close associate or friend with good skills
’s are not SECURE Don’t assume privacy Praise in public / Criticize in private (D Trump) Google use to profile users Hackers could intercept FBI request copies IT department can access anytime
Formal vs. Informal Understand the circumstances Know what grammar and format is acceptable Proper grammar or informal text symbols
Quick Response Be professional and courteous Notify if immediate response is not possible Do not make other wait long for a reply
Always be Respectful Be in control of your emotions Remember your tone conveys attitude Avoid using CC & BCC when sending to sensitive people or sensitive information Know sender and avoid using “reply all” Avoid forwarding a message to make sender look ridiculous it reflects bad on you
From: To: Subject: homework I’m not going to be able to finish your homework b/c I’ve been super busy this weekend..I’ve been sick and my boss has been makin me work overtime. (Ugh- so annoying. That’s another story!) Hopefully you get it & your cool and let me make it up another time. Peace, Amanda
From: To: CC: Subject: URGENT!!!! Good morning, Mr. Johnson, I am writing to you today to introduce myself; I am a customer service specialist hear in your area. I would like to talk to you as soon as possible to tell you what I have to offer your company. BTW: I have 2 years of experience as a CS specialist. Please let me know if you have any upcoming job openings. Can’t wait to talk about this!!!! Sincerely, Tom Miller
From: To: I’m not sure whose the boss but I’m JUST SO MAD!!!!! I just received a pink slip from my manager and would like to complain. He said it’s because I was checking my FB page when I wasn’t on break. I don’t even see what the big deal is—other people do it all the time and THEY don’t get in trouble. As you well know, the store hasn’t even been that busy, so if I need to take a break and check my FB, then you have ridiculous standards if you don’t think I should. Please re-think your decision about keeping me as an employee for your company. Thanks, Samantha