Spin & Bad Sums stats methodologists meeting 15 October 2014
Interactive website helps lower-income smokers to stop smoking Interactive website helps lower-income smokers to stop smoking People with lower incomes attempting to quit smoking are 36% more likely to succeed if they use a new interactive website called ‘StopAdvisor’ than if they use a static information website, finds a randomised controlled trial led by UCL researchers... Read more in UCL News.Read more in UCL News. THE UCL Welcome to The the weekly e-newsletter for all staff at UCL. In it you'll find key internal announcements and information, news and events. 2 October 2014 UCL in the media
A total of 4,613 smokers took part in the study, of whom 2,142 were classified into a ‘lower income’ group… StopAdvisor was designed with particular attention to less affluent smokers… Among the less affluent smokers attempting to quit smoking during the trial, 8.3% succeeded using StopAdvisor compared with 6.1% who used the static information website. For more affluent smokers, there was no difference in quit rates with approx. 12% of smokers successfully quitting… Following the positive results achieved by the StopAdvisor website, Public Health England is investigating the opportunity to develop it as an interactive stop smoking programme…
Internet-based intervention for smoking cessation (StopAdvisor) in people with low and high socioeconomic status: a randomised controlled trial Jamie Brown, Susan Michie, Adam WA Geraghty, Lucy Yardley, Benjamin Gardner, Lion Shahab, John A Stapleton, Robert West Lancet Respir Med 2014 Published Online September 25,
StopAdvisor helped participants with low socioeconomic status stop smoking compared with the information-only website primary outcome: 90 [8%] of 1088 vs 64 [6%] of 1054 participants; RR 1·36, 95% CI 1·00–1·86; p=0·0499… …but did not improve cessation rates in those with high socioeconomic status (147 [12%] of 1233 vs 156 [13%] of 1238 participants; 0·95, 0·77–1·17; p=0·61
what is a unit of alcohol (bad sums)
Goldsworth Medical Practice Dr Y Collins and Partners Alcohol Alcohol - A Guide To Sensible Drinking A small amount of alcohol will do no harm, but it is important to know the limits. 1 unit = 1 pub measure of spirits/1 glass of wine or sherry/ half a pint of beer or lager.
D.A.S.H P.O Box - 191, Douglas Isle of Man;IM99 1WR A typical unit is: 1 UNIT= HALF A PINT of average strength beer lager or cider 1 UNIT= ONE SMALL GLASS of wine (125ml) 1 UNIT= ONE SINGLE pub measure of spirits (25ml) 1 UNIT= ONE STANDARD pub measure of port or sherry
What is a unit of alcohol? One unit of alcohol is 10ml (1cl) by volume, or 8g by weight, of pure alcohol. For example: One unit of alcohol is about equal to: - half a pint of ordinary strength beer, lager or cider (3-4% alcohol by volume)… There are one and a half units of alcohol in: - a small glass (125ml) of ordinary strength wine (12% alcohol by volume)
Alcohol: Our Favourite Drug Introduction Alcohol is our favourite drug. Most of us use it for enjoyment, but for some of us, drinking can become a serious problem
Wines & Spirits Strength ABV Small glass/ pub measure Wine glass Bottle 750 ml Table Wine 12-14% Fortified wine (sherry, martini, port) 15-20% Spirits (whisky, vodka, gin) 40%1-30
How much alcohol is too much? Some drinks are stronger than others. The easiest way to work out how much we are drinking is to count "units" of alcohol. 1 unit is 10 mls of alcohol - the amount in a standard pub measure of spirits, a half pint of normal strength beer or lager, or a small glass of wine. Wines & Spirits Strength ABV Small glass/ pub measure Wine glass Bottle 750 ml Table Wine 12-14% Fortified wine (sherry, martini, port) 15-20% Spirits (whisky, vodka, gin) 40%1-30