TV advertising’s killer charts What every marketer should know 10 nickable charts With notes Taster Deck Published: June 2015
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TV advertising is the best profit generator Source: Payback 4, & , Ebiquity Payback 4 ( )
TV gives the best business results Source: ‘Advertising Effectiveness: the long and short of it’, 2013, IPA
TV dominates the world of video Source: BARB / comScore / Broadcaster stream data / OFCOM Digital Day / IPA Touchpoints 5 / Rentrak, 2014 All Individuals: 4hrs, 20 mins 16-24s: 3hrs, 30 mins All Individuals 16-24s Average video time per day 0.4% 1.0%
TV accounts for nearly half of people’s chosen media day Adults 15+ Includes only media which people choose to consume (i.e. excludes out of home) Source: Touchpoints 5, 2014, IPA. Base: adults 15+. TV, radio, newspaper & magazine figures include online/app consumption Newspapers 3.9% Magazines 0.6% Cinema 0.4% TV, radio, newspaper & magazine figures include online/app consumption Other online activity 1.3% Online games 1.1% Online buying/product info/banking 1.6% Online browsing/info seeking 4.6% Internet for work 3.7% 5.6% Social networking/messaging 6.2%
TV accounts for over 40% of 15-24s chosen media day Adults Newspapers 1.4% Magazines 0.4% Cinema 1.0% TV, radio, newspaper & magazine figures include consumption via internet/apps Other online activity 1.5% Online games 1.8% Online buying/product info/banking 1.8% Online browsing/info seeking 7.4% Internet for work 3.2% 5.4% Social networking/ messaging 15.7% Video clips/movies/music online 6.3% Includes only media which people choose to consume (i.e. excludes out of home) Source: Touchpoints 5, 2014, IPA. Base: adults TV, radio, newspaper & magazine figures include online/app consumption
TV has extremely high daily, weekly and monthly reach Source: BARB, 2014, individuals, reach 1min+ Commercial TV reaches 71.4% of the population in a day 92.8% of the population in a week 98.2% of the population in a month
The majority of TV viewing is live Source: BARB, Base: individuals & individuals in DTR homes Individuals Individuals with DTRs IndividualsIndividuals with digital recorders (DTRs) LiveViewed on the same day as live (VOSDAL)Time-shifted viewing within 7 days
Viewing on other devices is small, but on the increase Source: BARB, 2014, and UK broadcaster data. Base: individuals 3 mins 30 secs
Fame and emotion generate the most sales and profit Source: ‘Marketing in the Era of Accountability’, 2007, IPA Emotive campaigns or ads which achieved fame 50% more likely to gain large business effects
TV ads evoke emotion more than ads in other media Source: TV Nation, 2014, Ipsos MediaCT/Thinkbox. Base: all adults % claim TV ads are most likely to make them laugh/cry/feel emotional
TV advertising’s killer charts What every marketer should know Hungry for more? Click here for thehere 44 nickable charts With notes Full Deck