American Art Mini-Lesson, Intro
Friday, March 20 Warm Up – 2/20/15 1. Locate your table and be seated. Copy circled assignments from board into your planner. 2. Turn to your warm-ups page and answer the following question in a complete sentence. Why do people produce works of art, poetry and literature? 3. Get ready! In a few minutes, you’ll be looking at a few slides of works by early American artists. As you observe them, try to identify what the paintings in each group have in common. 4. Jot down details in your warm-up as you view the slides.
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
As you work through today’s activities, see if you can correctly identify the artist(s) featured in each group of paintings.
Sources Group 1 Audubon, John James. "Bird Illustration Gallery." PBS. N.p., 25 Jul Web. 11 Apr "The Trumpeter Swans of Centennial Valley's Red Rock Wildlife Refge." Web log post. Taisie's Blog. 14 Nov Web. 9 Apr James-Audubon-Trumpeter-Swan-631.jpg Audubon, James. Great Egart Painting. wiki.orgWeb. 13 Apr "File:Great Egret Audubon 1821.jpg." Wikimedia Commons., 07 Dec Web. 13 Apr Audubon, John James. "Washington Sea Eagle, C.1836/39 by Audubon." ToPofART, n.d. Web. 10 Apr
Sources Group 2 "." Thomas Cole- River in the Catskills. Thomas Cole, n.d. Web. 1 Jan "Luminism." ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. ©2014 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., n.d. Web. 13 Apr Cole, Thomas. View Across Frenchmans Bay from Mount Desert Island After a Squall Painting. 19th Century. Thomas Cole View Across Frenchmans Bay from Mount Desert Island After a Squall Painting. Best Art Painting. Web. 08 May "Explore Thomas Cole." Explore Thomas Cole. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr Cole, Thomas A. View of Fort Putnam Hamilton Auction Galleries, Web. "Prometheus Bound Summary." Study Guides & Essay Editing. Study Guides, 14 Mar Web. 14 Apr "Explore Thomas Cole." Explore Thomas Cole. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar
Sources Group 3 Larson, Sidney, Christine Montgomery, Joan Stack, and Carlynn Trout. "George Caleb Bingham ( )." George Caleb Bingham. The State Historical Society of Missouri, n.d. Web. 17 Apr "American Stories at LA County Museum." - Berkshire Fine A. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar Oilpaintingsshop. George-Caleb-Bingham-Raftsmen-Playing- Cards. 17 April content/uploads/2013/02/George-Caleb-Bingham-Raftsmen- Playing-Cards.jpg "The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Fur Traders Descending the Missouri." The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Fur Traders Descending the Missouri. 13 Apr