◦ Course Requests and Review of Transcript History ◦ Course Requests and Plan for Sophomore Year as well as Plan for Junior and Senior Years ◦ Use of and updating the IGP (Individual Graduation Plan from the BRIDGE Graduation Plan)
For promotion to the next grade level Five (5) Five (5) credits must be earned to be considered a sophomore. Eleven (11) credits must be earned to be a junior. Seventeen (17) credits must be earned to be a Senior. Pass all courses….The transcript includes grades and credits earned for first semester of this school year. All grades count toward the overall GPA (Grade Point Average) and earning credits for graduation! All academic courses and grades count for the HOPE eligible grade point average.
Rigorous/relevant courses Honors classes add 3 points for students who pass, for local purposes only. Honors courses do not count for the HOPE eligible 4.0 GPA weight. AP classes add 5 points for students who pass. AP courses passed with a 70 or higher do add a.5 on the HOPE GPA for each AP course (HOPE eligible GPA weight). Dual Enrollment courses in core areas of English, Math, Science and Social Studies add 5 points to the numeric GPA locally and.5 on the 4.0 HOPE GPA
Areas of Study:Units Required English/Language Arts * 4 Mathematics* 4 Science* 4 Social Studies* 3 CTAE and/or Fine Arts and/or World Lang. 3 Health and Physical Education* 1 Electives 4 Intro to Business & Technology 1 Total Units (Minimum) 24
They changed their 9 th grade courses to complete or enrolled. We went through each subject and selected the next appropriate level. They then updated their 10 th grade courses to “planned” and laid out a tentative plan for 11 th and 12 th grades. Slide 08
The 9 th Grade Lit. course has an EOC at the end of the course. In 11 th grade the American Literature course will have an EOC at the end of the course. GRADE 9GRADE 10GRADE 11GRADE 12 Course required for graduation 9th Lit/Comp – Honors10 th World Lit – Honors American Lit/Comp – Honors AP English Language British Lit/Composition- Honors AP Lit/Composition Class of 2019 (one diploma—4 units of English are required) Slide 10
The 9 th and 10 th grade year math courses, both have an End- of-Course assessment. EOC’s are state-mandated final exams that count 20% of the course grade. Class of 2019 (one diploma—4 units required) Slide 12 GRADE 9GRADE 10GRADE 11GRADE 12 CCGPS Coordinate Algebra CCGPS Analytic GeometryCCGPS Advanced AlgebraCCGPS Pre-Calculus Accelerated CCGPS Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra CCGPS Accelerated Pre-Calculus AP Calculus
Students enrolled in Biology and Physical Science will be required to take an End-of-Course assessments as mandated by the state & are 20% of final grade. Biology and Physical Science or Physics are both required for graduation. Science doesn’t follow a rigid path like English and Math. Students will have a variety of courses to choose from during 10 th, 11 th, and 12 th grades. Class of 2019 (one diploma—4 units required) Slide 15 GRADE 9GRADE 10GRADE 11GRADE 12 Course required for graduation Biology, Course required for Graduation Course Required for graduation Physics, Honors Physics or Physical Science 4 th Science Course From Approved List is Required Honors BiologyHonors Chemistry Honors Physical Science Honors Physics Honors Environmental Science Anatomy/Physiology Honors Chemistry Anatomy/Physiology Honors Chemistry AP Environ. Science Forensics Honors Environ Science Honors Physics
Class of 2019 (one diploma—4 units required) GRADE 9GRADE 10GRADE 11GRADE 12 Required for graduation Honors American Government Honors US HistoryHonors World History Honors Economics Students enrolled in U.S. History and Economics will be required to take an End-of-Course Test as mandated by the state. Slide 18
All students are strongly encouraged to select a Plan of Study/Pathway and complete a sequence of 3 courses in one of the following areas: CTAE Advanced Academics Fine Arts World Language Georgia DOE Plans of Study Website Link for all Plans of Study: Assessment/CTAE/Pages/Georgia-Career-Pathways-New- Rule.aspx
Career Clusters and their Pathways are part of a state supported curriculum that encourages and supports students and families in their educational and career planning through long-term goals, knowledge, experience and resources. Students may earn three (3) units of credit in a sequence of CTAE courses in a Pathway. These self-selected Pathways lead to college readiness and a career readiness certificate. There is a Career Pathway Assessment given at the end of the three (3) sequential Career Pathway courses (usually in the Jr. or Sr. year). Students may use their required Electives courses to complete more than one Pathway during their high school career. Slide 21
Advanced Academic Plan of Study/Pathway Some students opt to take rigorous courses in the area of English, Mathematics, Science or Social Studies. Criteria for earning an Advanced Academic Pathway are: Complete the 4 required credits Must include at least one AP or DE course in that academic area Students must earn 2 sequential courses in one world language. Slide 22
If Band, Chorus, Drama, and/or Visual Arts are courses that you enjoy, these courses can count as “Fine Arts” credit or as regular elective credit. Three courses will complete a Fine Arts Pathway. Once a student has earned the three units required for CTAE/World Language/Fine Arts, the remaining courses will count toward the required Elective credits. Slide 22
Taking a World Language course is NOT required for graduation, but students who wish to gain admission to a college/university must complete two (2) units of the same World (foreign) Language. Like CTAE and Fine Arts, students may be a pathway completer if 3 sequential World Language courses are completed. Slide 23
Please note that a student must pass at least four (4) units of electives in order to graduate. A student can take additional CTAE, World Language, and/or Fine Arts classes in addition to the other elective courses offered. Academic electives can be taken to help improve their HOPE GPA. Slide 26
Counselors have the online course information for high school courses. The district resource for new credit courses is called A+. The GaDOE Clearinghouse provides course and provider information and may be accessed through the following link for provider information: App/Clearinghouse.aspx
Updating the IGP is a state-mandated BRIDGE law requirement on the gacollege411 website Ask your counselor, if you have any questions about updating, saving, and submitting your IGP. Slide 26
HOPE Scholarship Currently, the HOPE scholarship is determined by the calculation of all academic core courses that the student has taken and completed (grades 9-12). Class of 2019 students need four (4) additional “rigorous” academic courses to qualify for the HOPE Scholarship. Both passing and failing grades in the core courses count Changes in the eligibility guidelines are posted and updated on the GACollege411 website (There are often annual changes in HOPE Scholarship regulations.) Remember to monitor your HOPE GPA throughout high school via your 411 account. Slide 30
Students must continually review that a minimum of 4 rigorous courses from the 3-page document on the GACollege411 website below are completed in order to be eligible for the HOPE Scholarship. The chart below is an example of the top of the first page. The information lists course type, course number and course title: Course # 1 Course # 2 Course # 1 Course # 2 Course # 1 Course # 2 Course # 1 Course # 2 Slide 24
Remember to continue to use your secure My411 account on the website to track and manage: Profile High School Courses and Grades Co-curricular and Extra Curricular Activities Honors and Awards SAT, ACT, and Other Test Scores and practice tests Career Inventories and Explorations College Choices
Career Pathway By now you should be more familiar with an Area of Focus or Career Pathway that you wish to complete. There are 4 areas of focus: ◦ CTAE ◦ Fine Arts ◦ World Language ◦ Advanced Academics-This pathway has been added as another option for you to consider. *Most graduates of Woodville Tompkins complete 3 pathways by the time of graduation. Slide 33
Dual Enrollment/College Credit Now! College Credit Now! actually refers to several state programs that allow high school students to earn both college and high school credit simultaneously. The dual enrollment programs are available to students and typically taken during their Junior and Senior years. Slide 34
A process by which high school students take courses from a state public or private postsecondary institution while still enrolled as a high school student and receive credit both at the high school and at the postsecondary institution. Dual Enrollment Defined
Woodville Guidance Page- Dual Enrollment Information Page ◦ Explains the following: - Who is eligible -Steps to applying -College admission requirements -Full-time or part-time status -Available courses -Applications for all schools are attached
Additional MOWR (Move on When Ready) Information - Must take 12 hours (4 classes) to be full-time (that can be 2 here and 2 at the college, 3 there on 1 here, all there, etc. - Students are still Woodville students & can participate in sports and clubs. - EOC testing are still required. - Grades are handled solely by the college- calendar is based on the college not by the HS. - Applications must be turned in prior to summer break.
Advisement conference with the counselor prior to the start of each semester Approval of parent/guardian Admissions requirements met at an eligible post- secondary institution (please watch deadlines….sometimes they are several months before the semester begins) Documentation completed for final approval
The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude test provides a standardized view of a student’s scholastic skills, regardless of the school attended, and helps students compare themselves with other college-bound students nationwide. This test is taken in October of your 10 th grade year during the school day.
Your students selected their academic and elective choices for next year. Changes can be made on this form **Once completed, please sign the back of the pink sheet and place back in the folder. The transcript is yours to keep, but we will be taking the folder & pink sheet back up.
Please feel to contact us in the guidance office at Annabella Recinos-Irizarry, Guidance Clerk Kirsteen Mosier, School Counselor *Thank you to Dr. Susan Goethe, Director of Paulding County Counselors, for her contributions with this power point.