Your Course Plan for High School What do you need to take to graduate? What do you need to take to graduate?
Education Career Action Plan: ECAP What is ECAP? ECAP is a career plan helps you learn more about yourself, research and evaluate your options, set and update goals, and make plans to assure your success. Whether you want to go to college, get a job, or follow some other pathway, the journey will be more rewarding if you follow some simple steps. What is ECAP? ECAP is a career plan helps you learn more about yourself, research and evaluate your options, set and update goals, and make plans to assure your success. Whether you want to go to college, get a job, or follow some other pathway, the journey will be more rewarding if you follow some simple steps.
Arizona Career Information System Go to the following website: To log in: Your username is: your last name first name: No spaces Example: smithdeb Your password is your student ID number. Go to the following website: To log in: Your username is: your last name first name: No spaces Example: smithdeb Your password is your student ID number.
Once you log in you will need to click the link in the upper right hand corner that says: My Education Career Action Plan
Setting up your information: F Click on My Personal Information at the the bottom of the list and enter your phone number and address. F DO NOT change your name. F Click add/change F Now click return to return to My Education Career Action Plan main menu. F Wait for instructions. F Click on My Personal Information at the the bottom of the list and enter your phone number and address. F DO NOT change your name. F Click add/change F Now click return to return to My Education Career Action Plan main menu. F Wait for instructions.
To Graduate HS: 4 English Credits 4 Math Credits 3 Social Studies Credits 3 Science Credits 1 credit P.E. .5 Health Credit and.5 Economics credit 1 CTE or Fine Arts Credit .5 Senior Exit Project Credit Electives or Other Credits = 22 Credits Total 4 English Credits 4 Math Credits 3 Social Studies Credits 3 Science Credits 1 credit P.E. .5 Health Credit and.5 Economics credit 1 CTE or Fine Arts Credit .5 Senior Exit Project Credit Electives or Other Credits = 22 Credits Total
9th Grade Credits F English 11.0 F Algebra 11.0 F World History 1.0 F Earth Science 1.0 F Physical Education 1.0 F Elective1.0 F Advisor Base.5 At the end of your freshman year you should have earned 6.5 credits. F English 11.0 F Algebra 11.0 F World History 1.0 F Earth Science 1.0 F Physical Education 1.0 F Elective1.0 F Advisor Base.5 At the end of your freshman year you should have earned 6.5 credits.
Setting up your course plan Click on My Course Plan F Change your year of study to 9th Grade. F Click on English. F Next click on the + button under course title. Pick English 1A. F Next under term pick Fall. F Under Req. tab pick Req. F Under Units select.5 (for half credit for Fall semester F Continue with English 1B F Set up all your 9th grade classes this way. F Change your year of study to 9th Grade. F Click on English. F Next click on the + button under course title. Pick English 1A. F Next under term pick Fall. F Under Req. tab pick Req. F Under Units select.5 (for half credit for Fall semester F Continue with English 1B F Set up all your 9th grade classes this way. ***Once completed click “Save Information
Electives F Arts F Drama 1, 2 F Technical Theater 1 F Studio Art 1 F Studio Ceramics 2 F Orchestra F Steel Band/Imperial Steel F Music Theory F Photography 1 F Classical Guitar 1, 2 F Health and PE F Weights 1 F Fitness F General PE F Arts F Drama 1, 2 F Technical Theater 1 F Studio Art 1 F Studio Ceramics 2 F Orchestra F Steel Band/Imperial Steel F Music Theory F Photography 1 F Classical Guitar 1, 2 F Health and PE F Weights 1 F Fitness F General PE F Second Languages F Spanish 1, 2 F German 1 F CTE F Interactive Digital Media 1, 2 F Web Development 1 F Career Explorations F Architecture & Design 1 F Other F Journalism F Yearbook F Student Council F Graphic Novel F Advisor Base
10th Grade Courses F English F Geometry 1.0 F Biology 1.0 F Health.5 F Economics.5 F Electives1.0 F Fine Art or CTE 1.0 F Advisor Base.5 At the end of your sophomore year you should have 13 credits. F English F Geometry 1.0 F Biology 1.0 F Health.5 F Economics.5 F Electives1.0 F Fine Art or CTE 1.0 F Advisor Base.5 At the end of your sophomore year you should have 13 credits.
11th Grade Courses F English 3: Am. Lit.1.0 F Algebra 21.0 F U.S. History1.0 F 3rd Year Science1.0 F 2 Electives2.0 Foreign Language, Fine Arts, CTE, PE F Advisor Base.5 At the end of your junior year you should have 19.5 credits. F English 3: Am. Lit.1.0 F Algebra 21.0 F U.S. History1.0 F 3rd Year Science1.0 F 2 Electives2.0 Foreign Language, Fine Arts, CTE, PE F Advisor Base.5 At the end of your junior year you should have 19.5 credits.
12th Grade Courses F English 41.0 F Government1.0 F 4th Year Math1.0 F Electives and/or3.0 Additional Science, Language F Senior Exit Project.5 F English 41.0 F Government1.0 F 4th Year Math1.0 F Electives and/or3.0 Additional Science, Language F Senior Exit Project.5
ECAP Congratulations you have completed the first step in creating your Education Career Action Plan! We will continue to add to your information and complete lessons throughout the school year. Congratulations you have completed the first step in creating your Education Career Action Plan! We will continue to add to your information and complete lessons throughout the school year.