California Healthy Kids Survey King City Joint Union High School District 2007/08 Results grades 9 & 11
California Healthy Kids Survey The CHKS is a comprehensive youth health risk and resilience data collection service, sponsored by the California Department of Education (CDE). The survey items were selected with the assistance of an advisory committee of experts. The report summarizes the results for key indicators of risk and well being. The survey meets the requirements of the federal Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act. (SDFSCA).
California Healthy Kids Survey Why was the survey conducted? Why was the survey conducted? The district conducted the survey in order to assess and reduce student violence, substance abuse, and other health-risk behaviors, and to monitor its progress in promoting youth well being and school success. The district conducted the survey in order to assess and reduce student violence, substance abuse, and other health-risk behaviors, and to monitor its progress in promoting youth well being and school success. The district conducted the survey using strict guidelines to preserve student privacy, data confidentiality, and all other student and parents rights. The district conducted the survey using strict guidelines to preserve student privacy, data confidentiality, and all other student and parents rights.
California Healthy Kids Survey Description of Participating Students Description of Participating Students # students % Student Pop. % Males % Females # students % Student Pop. % Males % Females Grade % 45% 55% Grade % 45% 55% Grade % 47% 53% Grade % 47% 53%
California Healthy Kids Survey Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Use Percentage of Students Who Have Used Alcohol and Other Drugs at Least Once in Their Lifetime 9th Grade 11th Grade 9th Grade 11th Grade Alcohol (whole drink) 59% 63% Inhalants 15% 7% Marijuana 33% 34%
California Healthy Kids Survey Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Use Percentage of Students Who Have Used Alcohol and Other Drugs during the Past 30 Days (Current Use) 9th Grade11th Grade 9th Grade11th Grade Alcohol (whole drink) 33% 35% Inhalants 7% 4% Marijuana 21% 19%
California Healthy Kids Survey Tobacco Use, Lifetime and Current Use Percentage of Students Who Have Participated in Various Levels of Tobacco Use Various Levels of Tobacco Use 9th Grade 11th Grade 9th Grade 11th Grade Tried a whole cigarette during their life 24% 26% Smoked during the last 30 days 11% 10% Smoked daily during the past 30 days 2% 1%
California Healthy Kids Survey Percentage of Students Who Have Participated in High-Risk Behaviors Associated with Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs 9th Grade 11th Grade 9th Grade 11th Grade Smoked marijuana on school property in the past month 12% 8% Ever been drunk or high on school property 21% 21% Ever been very drunk or sick after drinking 31% 40% Ever been high from using drugs 29% 29% Binge drank in the past 30 days 23% 24%
California Healthy Kids Survey Percentage of Students Who Feel that Frequent use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs is Harmful 9th Grade 11th Grade Cigarettes 75% 82% Alcohol 76% 81% Marijuana 71% 77%
California Healthy Kids Survey Percentage of Students Who Feel Very Safe at School 9th Grade 11th Grade Felt very safe at school 15% 14 %
California Healthy Kids Survey Percentage of Students Who Experienced Safety-Related Incidents on School Property During the Past 12 Months 9th Grade 11th Grade Been harassed 22% 13% Been in a fight 27% 18% Been afraid of being beaten up 20% 10% Carried a gun 6% 5% Carried other weapons, such as a knife 13% 7% or a club
California Healthy Kids Survey Percentage of Students Who Took Part in Healthy Behaviors 9th Grade 11th Grade Ate breakfast this morning 53% 50%
California Healthy Kids Survey School Environment: Percentage of Students Scoring High in Each External Asset and Total Assets 9th Grade 11th Grade Caring Relationships 22% 25% High Expectations 39% 36% Meaningful Participation 8% 12% Total Assets 19% 24%