Biometric Encryption Base RSA Algorithm Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. Dang Tran Khanh Student: Dung Ngo Dinh
CONTENTS Introduction Symmetric & Asymmetric Encryption Biometric and Bio-Crypto System Biometric Signature using RSA algorithm Conclusion
Introduction Systems and their applications require high levels of security Most of techniques probably in-use today, keys that are generated by algorithms or in random key generators Merging biometrics with cryptography, we can generate an exclusive key Cryptography provides high and adjustable security levels to access and manage data, resources and services
Symmetric Encryption Only a secret key is used Both sender and recipient know the secret key
Asymmetric Encryption Using a key pair Both sender and recipient know the secret key
Biometric A biometric is a person’s unique physical or behavioral characteristic Include fingerprints, hand or palm geometry, retina, and iris and facial characteristics Biometrics are being used in many applications: physical access control, national ID database to confirm identity, ticketless travel, commuting and maintaining health records, ATM,..etc.
Problems with PKI and Biometrics The major problem associated with PKI algorithms is management of private keys The private key is stored in a server or even smart device could be lost or stolen This key management issue can be resolved by utilizing biometrics for private key access To enhance security, this require integration of biometrics with some encryption algorithm
Digital Signature using Biometrics Instead of transmitting the biometric templates over Internet. An unique private key is generated from Cryptograph Algorithm for digital signature RSA algorithm can be used with 512 byte fingerprint template to generate a private key by finding the closest number which is relatively prime with Euler totient function, Ø(n)
Biometric Signature using RSA algorithm Sender: 1.Generate two prime numbers p and q, 256 bytes each. 2.Let modulus n = p*q and Ø(n) = (p-1)(q-1). 3.Generate decryption key, d from 512 byte iris template by incrementing it to get a closest number relatively prime with Ø(n). Private key = (d,n). 4.Compute encryption exponent, e as the multiplicative inverse of d modulo Ø(n) i.e. e = d -1 mod (Ø(n)) Public Key = (e,n)
Biometric Signature using RSA algorithm 5.Compute message hash H(m) using MD5 or SHA1 where m is the message to be signed digitally. Encrypt H(m) with d and n using the formula : S = (H(m)) d mod n, where S is the signature 6.Encrypt message and signature (m+S), with any previously agreed private key algorithm like DES and send it to the receiver. Note: n, e, hash function to generate H(m) and sender’s identity are made available to receiver in an authenticated manner e.g. using digital certificate
Biometric Signature using RSA algorithm Receiver: 7.Decrypt the message using the previously agreed private key algorithm like DES to retrieve the message and signature: (m+S). 8.Compute H’(m) from message, m. Decrypt signature to retrieve H(m) using: H(m) = S e mod n 9.Compare H(m) with H’(m) and verify the biometric signature (message data integrity and sender identity).
Biometric Signature using RSA algorithm
Conclusion Biometric Signature has been introduced It does not replace digital signatures completely but is only used to generate the private key and resolves the key management issue by avoiding storage of private keys anywhere The generated keys are unique.
Reference [1] Sayani Chandra, “Generate an Encryption Key by using Biometric Cryptosystems to secure transferring of Data over a Network”. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: , p- ISSN: Volume 12, Issue 1 (May. - Jun. 2013) [2] M Y SIYAL, “A Biometric Based e-security System for Internet-based applications”.
Course work Building systems with fingerprint authentication by RSA Algorithm