Good Corporate Citizenship – Building Sustainable Public Health
Funded by the Department of Health since 2003 Promoting sustainable development in the health sector DH policy e.g. SDAP NHS - Good Corporate Citizenship Healthy Futures
NHS contribution to sustainable development Similar to “corporate responsibility” First appeared in Choosing Health (2004) Follows principles in Securing the Future (2005) What does Good Corporate Citizenship mean?
Principles of sustainable development
NHS Constitution “The NHS is committed to providing best value for taxpayers’ money and the most effective, fair and sustainable use of finite resources”
What is Good Corporate Citizenship? Social, economic and environmental considerations inform your decisions Your day to day activities contribute to sustainable development You use NHS influence and resources to build a healthy and sustainable environment
Virtuous circle
Why the NHS? Because it can make a difference The NHS employs 1.4 million people It has an annual budget of over £100 billion It has the largest property portfolio in Europe
Why the NHS? Because it has a duty to act Climate change - the key threat to human health of the 21 st century NHS has a massive carbon footprint – 25% of the public sector footprint
NHS carbon footprint (2004)
Why the NHS? Because Good Corporate Citizenship helps deliver Reducing costs, saving money, improving efficiency Tackling lifestyle diseases Reducing health inequalities Moving from treatment to prevention Contributing to carbon reduction targets Demonstrating leadership and enhancing reputation
Case study: Active travel Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust “Access to Addenbrookes – a travel plan” Promotes low carbon, active travel Increased walking, cycling and use of public transport Reduced carbon emissions and other air pollution
Case study: Reducing environmental impacts Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Trained 1400 staff in environmental efficiency Increased domestic waste recycling 4% - 60% Reduced energy consumption by 3% Saved over £150,000
Case study: Sustainable commissioning NHS Manchester Commissions extensive healthcare services Committed to sustainable development Includes questions on sustainable development in all tendering documents Covers employment, energy use, waste production, travel, procurement
Case study: Employment and mental health James Wigg GP Practice & Tomorrow’s People Treating mental health issues with employment service Reduction in mental health problems in patients and their families Fewer consultations needed Reduction in demand for carbon intensive drugs
TASK 1 What are some of the barriers to Good Corporate Citizenship in your organisation? How could you overcome these barriers?
The Good Corporate Citizenship Assessment Model
First three years Received over 35,000 unique visitors Over 600 organisations registered on the Model Almost 60% of all NHS Trusts were registered as users
The Good Corporate Citizenship Assessment Model
Website sections: About
Website sections: Key Areas
Website sections: Resources
Website sections: Case Studies
Website sections: Forum
Website sections: Events
Key Areas Travel Procurement Facilities management Workforce Community engagement Buildings
Travel Area planning Active travel Business travel Traffic management Service delivery and estate design
Procurement Procurement skills Procurement process Engaging suppliers Minimising waste Ethical procurement
Facilities Management Energy use and carbon Waste Water Hazardous substances Green space
Workforce Diversity and inclusion Valuing workforce Healthy workplace Childcare and carer support Learning and development
Community Engagement Local partnership and planning Community participation Healthy and sustainable food choices Assets and resources Communication
Buildings Planning Design Sustainable procurement Energy and carbon Green space
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The Test: comparison option
TASK 2 Focus on one key area of poor performance in your organisation Develop a plan for how you are going to address it when you return to work
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