Keepmoat “Ageing Well” Bespoke Extra Care Solutions Paula Broadbent Retirement Solutions Director Keepmoat.


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Presentation transcript:

Keepmoat “Ageing Well” Bespoke Extra Care Solutions Paula Broadbent Retirement Solutions Director Keepmoat

Objectives of the workshop ► Set the context to the challenges faced by our Partners ► Overview of developing the right Products ► Examples of other successful projects/partnerships ► Procurement solution ► Next Steps - Continue to develop our expertise - How we replicate and increase delivery

Harrogate Neighbours challenges  Operate on two large well situated sites in Harrogate that provide Registered Care with EMI wing and Sheltered housing bedsits/bungalows  Both buildings need updating to meet present day expectations and policy but Asset rich/Capital poor  Have invested heavily over the years in training staff and renovating facilities to cope with change  Recognise the need to secure the future longevity of the business by diversifying, looking at innovative services to meet the needs/demands of the population of Harrogate  Recognise although Harrogate is primarily an affluent area it is affected by the economy and change of demographics within society like everywhere else

Harrogate Neighbours Barriers As a small registered provider who is asset rich and capital poor and has never developed before HN were complete novices in relation to; ► Procurement ► District and County councils policies/procedures ► Relocation and reallocation of services ► Funding – Raising private and bidding HCA grants ► Planning policy ► Design and build ► Land aquisition 1To Delete/Edit footer by Insert, Slide number, uncheck Footer 4

► The Board and the staff team focused on moving the existing business forward to develop Extra Care Housing in partnership with the local councils. ► HNHA aspire to delivering to the need for high quality accessible housing with care and support in Harrogate ► To evaluate potential sites to meet local demand and deliver the personalisation agenda. ► Consistent with North Yorkshire County Council’s values in ‘Our Future Lives’ and the commissioning strategy “Independence, Wellbeing and Choice”. Vision of Stakeholders

National and Local context.. AT THE START OF THE JOURNEY - ► Funding Capital & Revenue –Under pressure ► Private sector finance - Confidence increasing slowly ► Land Availability/Affordable - Public assets available ► Planning Policy & understanding - Better & Improving ► Culture – Institutional mind set Changing ► Housing Public sector - Struggling ► Health/Social Care reforms - Collaboration essential

The Objective  EC is a CONCEPT - Accessible & Sustainable housing with access to care & support 24/7 with facilities which promote social interaction, good nutrition, hydration and well being..  NOT just in blocks of apartments, every house type built in the right environment! ► Identify right location and right products/services with delivery partners ► Exemplar facilities on a new site would assist the County council to replace existing care home facilities ► Provide more choice for vulnerable adults across all tenures by using LA land, HN land and Private land

Solution Enable HNHA to move forward by creating a joint venture to develop site specific extra care concepts and procure delivery by levering multiple sources of funding. Services; ► Registered Provider - Harrogate Neighbours HA, HN Home care, Harrogate Food Angles ► Design, Build and Finance – Keepmoat Regeneration ► Investor – Private and Grant Keepmoat “Ageing Well” Offer to facilitate Specialist housing with access to care inc; Extra care, Dementia care, supported/sheltered housing) Lifetime homes; all types, for sale, for rent and part exchange, Property services/Facility management, was embraced.

Innovation & Sustainability Good quality Housing based services and facilities for even the most vulnerable  Support people to remain in “Their own home” no matter what  Provide access to preventative/enabling services/facilities to promote independence/well being - for the whole community  An environment that reduces physical/mental health care needs, offering choice, control and sense of place  Reduce the dependency and strain on acute health and social care services – “public purse goes further”.

SMART Inclusive Design essential Future proof design to prevent same position in the future; ► Communal space that will easily convert to apartments at a later date ► Specialist studio apartments that can remodel easily to 2 bed By really understanding the customer we designed SMART! ► HN developed optimum service model for acute domiciliary care for people living with dementia and limiting life illness ► We designed a scheme to enable the delivery of this service model and demonstrated its alternative form to future proof

Extra Care Plus…. 60 units acute care

Partnering and Procurement Soft market testing avoided lengthy Procurement. Build Partnership from Relationship;  PPP – Public Private Partnership  Providing strategy, feasibility and delivery of SERVICES Place shaping exercise concluded land to be developed included;  LA/County site – transferred at Nil consideration to HN  HN x 2 Sites to be developed  Private land – purchased by Keepmoat to be transferred to HN once developed

Construction New build Remodelling Product type Operations Management Maintenance Lifecycle Partnership Requirements Right Partners Procurement Structure Guarantees Successful Delivery Requires Integration Funding Options On/Off Balance sheet Length & cost of fund Sites Land assembly Existing assets

Large scale master planning “Ageing Well” New Resources, ECH, new affordable housing and homes for sale creating efficiency and inclusion 1350 New Homes 10-15yrs Phase 1 ► Extra care ► School ► Local Retail ► Recreational Catalyst to regeneration ► Affordable housing ► Market sale ► Training & Employment


QUESTIONS? Contact; Paula Broadbent Retirement Solutions Director Keepmoat tel; ;