December 2006 caBIG Tissue Microarray plans Tissue Banks & Pathology Tools Workspace teleconference Ian Fore August 20, 2007
Approach to developing applications Single application/suite Or Multiple applications Allows substitution of modules caGrid interoperability Still needs user friendly integration for end users “Portal”, “Mash-up”, etc
Areas of TMA functionality TMA Design Image Analysis of TMAs Annotation of TMAs Imaging TMA Facility management Experiment design Data Standards Image scoring
TMA need for interoperability (1) Multiple slides produced from single TMA block Distributed to multiple centres Different assays at each center
IPBS Model for Patient Enrollment and Sample Collection
TMA need for interoperability (1) Multiple slides produced from single TMA block Distributed to multiple centres Different assays at each center Different analytical platforms Different informatics systems How to assemble data from all sources?
TMA need for interoperability (2) Integration with biorepository systems Blocks selected from biorepository systems Specimen and clinical annotation obtained from those systems Need to plan interoperability Systems integration should not be left to adopters Solutions should address integration of component systems
Proposed next steps Establish working group Principally users/adopters Identify priorities Explore architectural options Review data standards Identify workspace overlap ICR Imaging Architecture Meet via teleconference Confirm interest of prior RFP respondents Mailing list Use TBPT Imaging list Or set up dedicated TMA list